Finally Το λοιπον, as for what remains for me to say, it may be despatched in a few words. The apostle, says Macknight, “being anxious to make the Philippians virtuous, mentions, in this exhortation, all the different foundations on which virtue had been placed, to show that it does not rest on any of these singly, but on them all jointly; and that its amiableness and obligation result from” whatsoever things are true Conformable to truth; honest Σεμνα, grave, or venerable; just Equitable and righteous; pure Chaste and holy; lovely Προσφιλη, amiable, or, as the word may be rendered, friendly and kind; of good report Ευφημα, of good fame, or reputable; if there be any virtue Any real worth, or beneficial tendency, in any quality or action: in this place alone does St. Paul use the word αρετη, rendered virtue: if there be any praise Justly resulting from any thing. Bengelius gives a somewhat different view of the contents of this verse, thus: “Here are eight particulars placed in two four-fold rows; the former containing their duty, the latter the commendation of it. The first word in the former row answers the first in the latter; the second word the second; and so on: true In speech; honest In actions; just With regard to others; pure With regard to yourselves; lovely And what more lovely than truth? of good report As is honesty, even when it is not practised. If there be any virtue And all virtues are contained in justice; if there be any praise In those things which relate rather to ourselves than to our neighbour; think on these things That ye may both practise them yourselves, and recommend them to others.” Those things which ye have learned As catechumens; and received By continual instructions; and heard and seen In my life and conversation; these do, and the God of peace shall be with you Not only the peace of God, but God himself, the fountain of peace.

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