Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way God's way, emphatically called the way here, as also Psalms 119:1, and elsewhere. He abhors reproof, because it is a reproach to him, and because it strikes at the sin which he loves. And he that hateth reproof shall die That is, shall be destroyed, both here and for ever; which is a more grievous thing than a harsh reproof. A scorner loveth not That is, hateth and avoideth; (more being understood than expressed;) one that reproveth him That tells him of his faults, warns him of his danger: and advises him to reform his conduct; neither will he go unto the wise That is, the godly: he will not seek their company and conversation, as his duty and interest oblige him to do, because he knows they will make conscience of reproving him.

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