A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; &c. “When the mind of a man is inwardly satisfied, and full of joy, it does good to his body too, as appears in his cheerful countenance: but when grief seizes on the heart, it detects, enfeebles, and breaks the most courageous spirit.” All the days of the afflicted Of those troubled in mind, as the meaning of this general expression may be very fitly restrained from the following clause; are evil Tedious and uncomfortable; he takes no satisfaction in any person, place, or thing; but he that is of a merry heart Hebrew, of a good heart, that is, composed, quiet, and contented, conscious of intending God's glory in all things, and of being devoted to his service in love and obedience; hath a continual feast Hath constant satisfaction and delight in all conditions, yea, even in affliction.

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