Who hath wo? From the sin of lewdness, he proceeds to that of drunkenness, which frequently accompanies it. As if he had said, If thou intendest to avoid such filthy practices, avoid intemperance; the lamentable effects of which are so many, that it is a hard matter to enumerate them. For who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? If thou considerest who they are that run themselves into all manner of mischief; that are never out of danger, but are engaged in perpetual quarrels, disturbing the neighbourhood where they live by their noise, tumult, and fighting; who hath babbling? The sin of much and impertinent talking, or clamour and confusion, usual among drunkards; who hath wounds without cause? Wounds received, not in the defence of his country, but for frivolous causes, and on slight occasions; who hath redness of eyes Which men, inflamed with wine, are very apt to have. They that tarry long at the wine, &c. Thou wilt find they are such as are so in love with wine, that they neither willingly stir from it, nor content themselves with the ordinary sort, but make a diligent search for the richest and most generous kinds; they that go to seek mixed wine Wine mixed with divers ingredients, to make it strong and delicious. Hebrew, ממסךְ, mixture, mixed drinks of several sorts suited to their palates.

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