For three things the earth That is, the inhabitants of the earth; is disquieted By their insolence and impudence they cause great disturbances in the places where they live; for four it cannot rest They are intolerable in human societies. For a servant when he reigneth When he is advanced to great power and dignity; for such a one is ignorant and unfit for his place, and therefore commits many errors; he is poor, and therefore insatiable; he is proud and imperious, and usually injurious and cruel; and a fool A conceited fool, or an obstinately wicked man; when he is filled with meat When he is over fed, his meat and drink heating his blood, and stirring him up to many insolences: or, when he abounds in wealth, which, in that case, is like a sword in a madman's hand, being an instrument and occasion of many acts of wickedness and mischief. For an odious woman Proud and perverse, and full of other offensive qualities; when she is married For then she displays all those ill humours which before she concealed. And a handmaid that is heir Which great and sudden change transports her beside herself, and makes her insufferably proud and scornful.

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