Two things have I required of thee I do most earnestly and especially desire: deny me them not Hebrew, אל תמנע ממני, withhold them not from me; before I die That is, while I live, as being things of great and continual necessity, for thy honour and service, and my own good. Remove far from me From my heart, and from the course of my life: vanity That Isaiah, 1 st, All false and vain opinions, namely, concerning God and things divine; all unbelief, idolatry, and superstition: and, 2d, Vanity of heart and life; a vain conversation, or the love of the vain things of this world; and lies All falsehood and deceit in my words and actions, and in my conduct toward God or men. This is the first of Agur's petitions. Give me neither poverty nor riches This is his second request, which may seem to have some reference to the former, poverty being commonly an occasion of, or temptation to, the sin of lying; and riches being the great occasions of, and enticements to, vanity. Thus, as his first petition was against the sins themselves, so this latter is against the occasions of them. Feed me with food convenient for me Moderate and suitable, both to my natural necessities and to that condition of life in which thou hast placed me. And this mediocrity of condition is so amiable, that it has often been desired by wise heathen as more eligible than a state of the greatest plenty and glory.

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