She is not afraid of the snow Of any injuries of the weather. For her household are clothed with scarlet She has provided enough, not only for their necessity, and defence against cold and other inconveniences, but also for their delight and ornament. She maketh coverings of tapestry For the furniture of her house. Her clothing is silk and purple Which was very agreeable to her high quality, though it doth not justify that luxury in attire which is now usual among persons of far lower ranks, both for wealth and dignity. Her husband is known Observed and respected, not only for his own worth, but for his wife's sake; when he sitteth among the elders, &c. In council or judgment. And delivereth girdles Curiously wrought of linen and gold, or other precious materials, which, in those parts, were used both by men and women. Strength and honour Strength of mind, magnanimity, courage, activity; are her clothing Her ornament and glory; and she shall rejoice in time to come She lives in constant tranquillity of mind, from a just confidence in God's gracious providence.

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