Put away a froward mouth All sorts of sinful words, which proceed from, and discover an evil heart. Let thine eyes look right on Let thine intention be pure: direct all thine actions to a right end, namely, the glory of God in thy eternal salvation, and keep thy mind fixed upon that way which leads to it, and neither look or turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Ponder the path of thy feet Consider thy actions before thou doest them, and see that they agree with the rule. And let all thy ways be established Or, directed, as יכונו may be better rendered here. Or, thy ways shall be established. They shall be uniformly and constantly good, in spite of all temptations to the contrary. So this is a promise to confirm the foregoing precept. If thou dost ponder them thou mayest expect God's blessing and good success in them. Shun all extremes, and neither add to God's commands nor take from them.

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