For the rod of the wicked Their power and authority; shall not rest Not continue long; upon the lot of the righteous Upon the habitation and persons of good men. Lest the righteous put forth their hands, &c. Lest, through human infirmity, and the great weight or long continuance of their troubles, they should be driven to impatience, or to despair, or to use indirect and sinful courses to relieve themselves. We learn from this that God considers the frail frame of his people, and proportions their trials to their strength, by the care of his providence, as well as their strength to their trials, by the power of his grace. Oppression may make a wise man mad, especially if it continue long, therefore, for the elect's sake the days shall be shortened, that, whatever becomes of their lot in this world, they may not fall short of their inheritance in the next.

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