Lo, we have heard of it The ark, or of the place or habitation for the Lord last mentioned; at Ephratah That is, at Shiloh, in the tribe of Ephraim, there they were told it had been, but it was gone; they found it at last in the fields of the wood That is, in Kirjath-jearim, which signifies, the city of woods. Thence all Israel fetched it, with great solemnity, in the beginning of David's reign, 1 Chronicles 13:6; so that, in preparing this place for the ark, he gratified all Israel, they needed not to go about to seek it any more: they now knew where to find it. Some learned men, however, being of opinion that Jerusalem, which was at no great distance from Bethlehem, was within the district called Ephratah, give a different interpretation of this verse, and consider the psalmist as speaking of having found the place on which the temple was to be fixed. Thus Bishop Patrick: “And now, behold the Lord himself, to our great joy, hath told us the very place where he will fix his habitation, in the territory of Bethlehem, Ephratah: (Genesis 35:16; Genesis 35:19,) in the fields of that forest where the angel stood and directed David to build an altar unto the Lord, 1 Chronicles 21:18; 1 Chronicles 22:1.”

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