Teach me thy way What course I shall take to please thee, and to discharge my duty, and to save myself from ruin; and lead me in a plain path Of which see the note on Psalms 26:12; where the Hebrew words are the same; because of mine enemies That I may neither give them cause to open their mouths against me or religion, by my misconduct, nor fall into their hands by my folly, nor afford them any occasion of triumphing over me. Deliver me not over unto the will Hebrew, בנפשׁ, benephesh, to the soul, that is, the lust, or desire, as the word here means; of mine enemies Who watch for my halting, and seek my ruin; such as breathe out cruelty Against me. He presses his request from the consideration of the quality of his enemies, who were both false and cruel, and in both respects hateful to God and men.

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