I was a reproach among all mine enemies That is, the subject of their reproaches and scoffs. “This,” said they, “is David, anointed to be king of Israel, a goodly monarch indeed! forsaken by God and men, and in a desperate and perishing condition. He pretends great piety to God, and loyalty to Saul; but, in truth, he is a great impostor, and a traitor and rebel to his king.” But especially among my neighbours Though they have been witnesses of my integrity in all my actions. And a fear to mine acquaintance Hebrew, פחד, pachad, a terror. They were afraid to give me any countenance or assistance, or to be seen in my company. They that did see me without That met me in the highway; fled from me To prevent their own danger and ruin, which might have been occasioned by their appearing to have any acquaintance with, or friendship for me.

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