There is no soundness, &c. My disease or grief hath seized upon all the parts of my body, my very bones not excepted, so that my bed can give me no rest; because of my sin Which hath provoked thee to deal thus severely with me. For my iniquities, &c. Or, the punishment of my iniquities, as this word is frequently used; are gone over my head Like deep waters, wherewith I am overwhelmed. My wounds are corrupt The bruises and sores, caused by my disease, are not only painful, but loathsome to myself and others; because of my foolishness As a just punishment of my folly; whereby, to satisfy my unreasonable desires, I have inconsiderately offended thee, 2 Samuel 11:2. I am troubled ינעוותי, nagnaveeti, I am distorted, or depressed; or, as it is expressed by another word, signifying the same thing, bowed down, namely, in my body, as diseased persons generally are, and withal dejected in my mind. I go mourning Hebrew, in black; the sign of mourning, which may here be taken figuratively. When I rise out of my bed, and walk, or rather creep about in my chamber, I do it with a sad heart and a dejected countenance. Or going may be here meant of his languishing, or going toward the grave, as this same word is used sometimes.

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