Though he blessed his soul That is, applauded himself as a wise and happy man. See Luke 12:19. And men will praise thee, &c. As he flatters himself, so he meets with parasites that applaud and flatter him for their own advantage. When thou doest well to thyself When thou dost indulge and please thyself, and advance thy own worldly interest. He shall go to the generation of his fathers The rich worldly man, here spoken of, shall descend into the grave, with respect to his body, and his soul shall enter into the invisible world, where he shall meet with his wicked parents, who by their counsel and example led him into his evil courses; as the godly also are said to be gathered to their fathers, Genesis 15:15. They shall never see light Never enjoy the light of the living, or of this life, to which they shall never return; nor the light of the next life, to which they shall never be admitted, but shall be cast into utter darkness, Matthew 8:12.

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