Verse Psalms 52:2. _DEVISETH MISCHIEFS_] Lies and slanders proceeding
from the tongue argue the desperate wickedness of the heart.
_LIKE A SHARP RAZOR, WORKING DECEITFULLY._] Which instead of taking...
THY TONGUE DEVISETH MISCHIEFS - The word rendered “mischiefs”
(a) desire, cupidity: Proverbs 10:3; then
(b) fall, ruin, destruction, wickedness: Psalms 5:9;...
Psalms 52
The Proud and Boasting Man
1. The character of the man of sin (Psalms 52:1)
2. The character of the righteous (Psalms 52:8)
The four Psalms which follow (all Maschil Psalms) give mos...
LII. The Psalmist denounces an enemy of his who trusts in his wealth
and in unscrupulous falsehood. He is confident that this adversary
will be rooted up and that he himself will flourish and abide in...
MISCHIEFS. malignity. Plural for singular. a great malignity....
Denunciation of the evil-doer and prediction of his fate....
_Thy tongue deviseth_ Cp. Psalms 35:20. Sins of the tongue falsehood,
slander, false witness, and the like are frequently denounced in the
Psalms and by the Prophets. See Psalms 5:9; Psalms 10:7;...
THY TONGUE DEVISETH MISCHIEF— I do not very well understand, says
Dr. Chandler, the propriety of the _tongue's devising mischief,_ and
devising it _like a sharp razor;_ but we may easily avoid this ha...
Doeg the Edomite Denounced.
Stanza I., Psalms 52:1-5, Doeg Remonstrated with, Described, and
Threatened. Stanza II., Psalms 52:6-9, The Laugh of the Righteous o...
Thy tongue - the organ of thy inner man.
LIKE A SHARP RAZOR. Saul's charge of high treason against David was
the instrument...
52:2 practising (g-10) Or 'thou practiser of.'...
Title.—(RV) 'For the Chief Musician. Maschil of David: when Doeg the
Edomite came and told Saul, and said unto him, David is come to the
house of Ahimelech.' In some respects Doeg (1 Samuel 22:9) migh...
PSALMS 42:72
Words in boxes are from the Bible.
Words marked with a *star are described in the word list at the end.
The translated Bible text has yet to go through Advanced Che...
WORKING DECEITFULLY. — Better, _working guile._ (For the metaphor,
see Psalms 55:21; Psalms 57:4, _&c_)...
_[Psalms 52:4]_ הַ֭וֹּות תַּחְשֹׁ֣ב
לְשֹׁונֶ֑ךָ כְּ תַ֥עַר...
Psalms 52:1
THE progress of feeling in this psalm is clear, but there is no very
distinct division into strophes and one of the two Selahs does not
mark a transition, though it does make a pause. Firs...
Psalms 52:1
The inscription of this psalm describes its origin. The contrast which
it presents is full of instruction. The ungodly is often a mighty man
in the estimation...
In this song the attitude of God toward the wicked man who is a tyrant
is manifest. The mighty man who boasts himself in mischief is first
put in striking contrast to God whose mercy endureth continua...
Thy tongue deviseth (b) mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working
(b) Your malice moves you by crafty flattery and lies to accuse and
destroy the innocents....
We shall not lose an atom of this subject, considered as to the
persecutions of good men, by the evil in general, nor the sure
judgment which sooner or later must follow; we shall not lose sight of
2._Thy tongue reckons up mischiefs _David is not to be considered as
here venting a flood of reproaches against his adversary, as many who
have been unjustly injured are in the habit of doing, merely...
In Psalms 52 we find faith as regards the power of the wicked man, who
was in presence of the godly. The goodness of God endured. God would
destroy the proud and deceitful man, while the righteous wou...
THY TONGUE DEVISETH MISCHIEFS,.... Abundance of mischiefs, in a
variety of ways, against many persons, even all good men. What
properly belongs to the heart is here ascribed to the tongue; because,
Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working
Ver. 2. _Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs_] _i.e._ Venteth the
mischievous devices of thy mind, being an interpreter and an
Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs, planning wickedness and destruction of
every kind; LIKE A SHARP RAZOR, WORKING DECEITFULLY, or, "thou who
workest deceit!" Doeg was ever engaged in undertakings of meann...
To the chief musician, for use in public worship, Maschil, a didactic
anthem, a psalm of David, when Doeg, the Edomite, came and told Saul,
and said unto him, David is...
1-5 Those that glory in sin, glory in their shame. The patience and
forbearance of God are abused by sinners, to the hardening of their
hearts in their wicked ways. But the enemies in vain boast in t...
DEVISETH i.e. expresseth what thy wicked mind had devised. Thus
_skilfulness_ is ascribed to those hands which are governed by a
skilful or prudent man, PSALMS 78:72. This word implies that Doeg's
Psalms 52:2 tongue H3956 devises H2803 (H8799) destruction H1942 sharp
H3913 (H8794) razor H8593 working H6213 ...
In the first verse the ‘man of substance' is asked why he boasts
continually about mischief he has wrought in the light of the fact of
the continually...
CONTENTS: The triumph of God's people over all oppressors.
CONCLUSION: Those who think to support themselves in their own power
and wealth without God and His Word, are wretc...
The title of this psalm is not disputed. It relates to the treachery
of Doeg. See the history, 1 Samuel 21:1; 1 Samuel 22:9.
Psalms 52:1. _Why boastest thou,_ oh Doeg, of thy superior loyalty to
_Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working
The prominence given to sins of speech is peculiar. We should have
expected high-handed violence rather than t...
_Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man?_
This psalm may be regarded as presenting to us a social betrayer in a
variety of aspects. Doeg was an “informer,” one whom We...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 52:1. The faithful develop confidence in
God’s care and protection, particularly when surrounded by ruthless
enemies. The title sets the psalm during David’s flight from Sau...
_Superscription_.—“To the Chief Musician, Maschil, a Psalm of
David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, and said unto him,
David is come to the house of Ahimelech.”
“_To the Chie...
HERE, again, the title is the best guide to the origin, intent, and
authorship of the psalm. It is ascribed to David, and said to have
been written on the occasion when Doeg the Edomite acq...
Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Psalms 51:1-19.
David is surely one of the most outstanding characters of the Old
Testament. He was greatly hated and greatly loved. He had the capacity
to inspire t...
2 Corinthians 11:13; 2 Corinthians 4:2; Acts 24:1; Acts 24:5; Acts
Deviseth — Expresses what thy wicked mind had devised. Deceitfully
— Doeg pretended only to vindicate himself from disloyalty, 1 Samuel
22:8, but he really intended to expose the priests, to the king'...