He, &c. I speak especially of “that perfidious person, who hath not only violated all the laws of friendship, but profanely broken his promise and oath of fidelity, wherein he was engaged to me.” Bishop Patrick. Although, as we have seen, David did not excuse the rest that were concerned in these treacherous and treasonable practices, yet the base conduct of Ahithophel grieved him most, and dwelt most upon his mind; and, therefore, having mentioned the wickedness: and foretold the punishment of the others, he here returns to him of whom he had spoken, Psalms 55:13, and of whose wickedness, as being the chief contriver and promoter of the rebellion, he here adds some new and aggravating circumstances. Hath put forth his hand In the way of force or violence; against such as be at peace with him Against me, who gave him no provocation nor disturbance, but lived in great peace, and security, and friendship with him. He hath broken his covenant All those solemn obligations by which he was tied to me, both as his king and as his friend. The words of his mouth were smoother, &c. Chandler and Houbigant, taking מחמאת, ma-chamaoth, for an adjective, render the clause, Smooth and deceitful are the buttery words of his mouth. It is, however, considered by Kimchi as a substantive, with the preposition מ prefixed, and so taken is properly translated, than butter. Either way the sense is the same, namely, he covered his treasonable and bloody design with fair and flattering speeches. So courteous was he, and obliging, so free in his professions of respect and kindness, and the proffers of his service, that he carried the appearance of a true and faithful friend: but war was in his heart All this courtesy and pretended kindness was but a stratagem of war, and those very words had a mischievous intention: though softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords Pernicious in their design and consequences.

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