My heart is fixed Hebrew, נכון, nachon, prepared, or, established; namely, in a full assurance of obtaining thy merciful help. It was ready to sink with fear, but now I have, through thy grace, conquered my fears, and am fixed in a steadfast belief of, and confidence in thy promises. Or, my heart is prepared to sing and give praise, as it follows. Awake up, my glory, &c. My tongue, wherewith I ought to glorify thee, shall be no longer silent; nor shall any instrument of music be wanting to accompany my hymns. I myself will awake right early I will rouse up, and employ all the powers of my soul and body to set forth thy praises. And I will do it so early, that I will prevent the rising sun. I will praise thee among the people In the great congregations, among the Israelites of all tribes, who are called by thy name, (Deuteronomy 33:19,) and among the heathen, as I shall have occasion. For thy mercy is great unto the heavens Is most evident, and greatly exalted.

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