Before your pots can feel the thorns That is, the heat of a fire of thorns made under them, which they soon do, as it is a quick fire, and burns violently while it lasts; he shall take them away Namely, mine enemies; so speedily, with such a hasty and destructive flame; as with a whirlwind That is, violently and irresistibly; both living, and in his wrath Hebrew, כמו חי כמו חרון, chemo chi, chemo charon, as living, as wrath, or, as it were alive, as it were with fury. “The intention of the psalmist is to express both the quickness and terribleness of the destruction of the wicked. They were to be taken away suddenly, or rapidly, before the pots could feel the soon kindling and vehement fire of thorns. They were to be taken off by some terrible catastrophe, like the furious burning of thorns, to which the wrath of God is frequently compared.”

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