They are not in trouble as other men They escape even common calamities. Therefore pride compasseth them about Discovers itself on every side, in their countenances, speech, behaviour. Their eyes stand out with fatness They live in great plenty and prosperity. They are corrupt Dissolute and licentious, letting loose the reins to all manner of wickedness. And speak wickedly concerning oppression Wickedly boasting of their oppressions; either of what they have done, or of what they intend to do in that way. They speak loftily Arrogantly presuming upon their own strength, and despising both God and men. They set their mouth against the heavens That is, against God, blaspheming his name, denying or deriding his providence, reviling his saints and servants. Their tongue walketh through the earth Using all manner of liberty, introducing and reproaching all sorts of persons, not caring whom they displease or hurt by it.

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