I will make mention Hebrew, אזכיר, azchir, I will record, or, cause to be remembered, Rahab That is, Egypt, so called, Psalms 89:10; Isaiah 51:9, but whether from its pride, or natural strength, both which the word signifies, is not material; and Babylon I will reckon upon the inhabitants of Egypt and Babylon, though most alienated from the profession of the truth, yea, even on all the church's enemies, as those that shall become members of it. For under these two, and Philistia, he seems to comprehend all the enemies of God's people, of whom he prophesies that they should be not only reconciled, but united to them. To them that know me Or with, or among them, that is, with or among those that truly, affectionately, and practically know me; so as to love, serve, and obey me. I will reckon these nations among the number of those that shall be converted; or, among my worshippers, subjects, and children; they seem to be God's words, foretelling that he would account, and cause these Gentiles to be recorded as his people, when they should receive the gospel of Christ, as truly as Israel was his people, and would own them as born in Zion, that is, born again there, and entitled to all its privileges as freely as true-born Israelites. That though they had been strangers and foreigners, they should become fellow-citizens with the saints, Ephesians 2:17. Thus Isaiah 19:23, The Lord shall say, Blessed be Egypt, my people, and Assyria, the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance. Behold Take notice of it, as a thing new, and strange, and delightful. Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia That is, the nations on every side of them, for Philistia was on the west, Tyre on the north, and Ethiopia, or Arabia, (which rather seems to be intended by the word Cush, here,) on the south. So that those nearest to them, and those more remote from them, are here mentioned, as converts to the gospel church: this man was born there Or, in her, as it is Psalms 87:5, namely, born by adoption and regeneration, John 1:12; John 3:7; Galatians 3:26; 1 Peter 1:23; that is, the Gentiles, from all countries, shall be brought into the church of God, and be accounted genuine members thereof.

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