A.M. 3405. B.C. 599.

As this Psalm manifestly treats of the declining state of the house and kingdom of David, it is probable the author of it lived either in the time of Jehoiachin or Zedekiah, about the beginning of the Babylonish captivity. He praises God and rejoices in him, Psalms 89:1. He builds all his hopes on God's covenant with David, Psalms 89:19. He laments the present calamities of the king and royal family, Psalms 89:38. Expostulates with, prays to God, and praises him, Psalms 89:46.

Title. Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite Not the Ethan mentioned 1 Kings 4:31, but some other person of the same name who lived long after, but was inspired by the same spirit.

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