Verse Psalms 94:21. _THEY GATHER THEMSELVES TOGETHER_] In every thing
that is _evil_, they are in _unity_. The devil, his angels, and his
children, all join and draw together when they have for their...
Against the life of the righteous; that is, to take their lives. The
Hebrew word rendered “gather together,” means to press or crowd...
PSALM 94-100
Psalms 94
Prayer for the Execution of the Vengeance of God
_ 1. The Prayer on account of the enemy (Psalms 94:1)_
2. Expostulation with the wicked (Psalms 94:8)
3. The comfort of the...
Psalms 94:1. The wickedness of the arrogant. The bad rulers here are
evidently Jews. They are oppressors, not invaders...
THE RIGHTEOUS. a righteous one (singular no Art.)
BLOOD. Put by Figure of speech _Synecdoche_ (of Part), App-6, for man....
Psalms 92-97
A Service of Song for a Sabbath Day.
Psalms 92: Personal SongProbably by a King.
Psalms 93: Jehovah Proclaimed King.
Psalms 94: Prayer for Vengeance on the...
Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth
mischief by a law?
-God will not suffer enthroned iniquity to prevail, but will visit the
wicked according to their iniquity, a...
This is a national Ps., written at a time when Israel was oppressed by
foreign enemies. It may be connected either with the days of the exile
or with some later period of national distress. The openin...
Psalms 90:106
Jesus said, "I am a good *judge. I do not do what I want to do. I
obey the words of (God) that sent me". ...
THEY GATHER — _i.e.,_ possibly, _They crowd into the courts of law
to take part in the unjust condemnation of the just,_ or more
generally, “They attack the life of the righteous.” LXX., “they
יָ֭גֹודּוּ עַל ־נֶ֣פֶשׁ צַדִּ֑יק וְ
דָ֖ם נָקִ
Psalms 94:1
THE theme of God the Judge is closely allied to that of God the King,
as other psalms of this group show, in which His coming to judge the
world is the subject of rapturous praise. This ps...
Psalms 94:6
Let us ponder all the great things that God will do for them that
trust Him. He planted the ear, and will detect the sigh, sob, or
broken utterance...
The placing of this song immediately after the one which sets forth
the fact of the enthronement of Jehovah is remarkable. It creates a
contrast, while it suggests a continuity of ideas. The contrast...
Here is the conclusion of every faithful follower of the Lord Jesus.
Here he rests the ultimatum of all his exercises. Tell ye the
righteous, it shall be well with him. He that rests in Christ, and hi...
21._They will gather together against the soul of the righteous _As
the Hebrew word גדד _, gadad, _or גוד _, gud, _(39) signifies to
collect forces or a band of men, the Psalmist evidently intimates t...
Psalms 94 gives us this cry, which is at the same time the expression
of the fullest intelligence of their position, of the dealings of God,
of the position of the wicked, and the result about to be p...
THEY GATHER THEMSELVES TOGETHER,.... As "in troops" h, as the word
signifies; in great armies; so the antichristian kings and states
will, at the instigation of Popish emissaries; see
Revelation 16:1...
They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and
condemn the innocent blood.
Ver. 21. _They gather together_] Heb. run by troops, as thieves do.
_ Against the soul_] Which they...
The psalmist, whose name is not given, appeals to God in view of the
oppression of the adversaries, who included not only the enemies from
without, but also the tyrants...
They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous,
planning his destruction, AND CONDEMN THE INNOCENT BLOOD, laying the
penalty of the law upon the believers with a show of right....
12-23 That man is blessed, who, under the chastening of the Lord, is
taught his will and his truths, from his holy word, and by the Holy
Spirit. He should see mercy through his sufferings. There is a...
AGAINST THE SOUL; against the life, as the soul commonly signifies,
and as the next clause explains it. They are not satisfied with the
spoil of their estates, but do also thirst after their lives. CO...
Psalms 94:21 together H1413 (H8799) life H5315 righteous H6662 condemn
H7561 (H8686) innocent H5355 blood H1818...
This is the prayer of a man of God in great trouble, standing out for
God in an evil day, when the Lord's people were greatly oppressed, and
the honour of God was being trampled in the mire. The praye...
Let us read this evening the ninety-fourth Psalm, and may the Spirit
of God instruct us while we read it!
Psalms 94:1. _O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom
vengeance belongeth, sh...
CONTENTS: An appeal to God to appear for His people against His and
their enemies.
CHARACTERS: God, Psalmist.
CONCLUSION: There is a God to whom vengeance belongs who will
certainly call enemies to...
This psalm was written under great oppression, in a time of war, but
it bears no marks of being written in Babylon, for then they had no
hope to rise against the wicked: Psalms 94:16.
Psalms 94:6. _Th...
_O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth. .. show Thyself._
I. The awful condition of the wicked persecutor. The persecutors
referred to (Psalms 94:1) are represented as...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 94:1. This is a community lament, written
for a time when the wicked not only exult (v. Psalms 94:3) but also
oppress the faithful (many of wh
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 94:20 WICKED RULERS. The ungodly here have
power, and they use it to FRAME INJUSTICE and to CONDEMN THE INNOCENT
TO DEATH (which God hates;...
“There is no superscription to this Psalm. There is no indication of
its authorship, of the period at which it was written, or of the
circumstances to which it refers. There are many of t...
THIS psalm is primarily (Psalms 94:1) a "cry for vengeance on Israel's
oppressors, passing into an appeal for more faith to God's own people"
(Cheyne). In the latter half (Psalms 94:12) the...
O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth (Psalms 94:1);
Now, it's hard for us to remember that. "Vengeance is mine; I will
repay, saith the Lord" (Romans 12:19). So often we try to take
vengeance ourse...
1 Kings 21:19; Acts 4:27; Acts 4:28; Acts 4:5; Acts 7:52;...