And I saw an angel An especial minister of Providence; come down from heaven With a commission from God; having the key of the bottomless pit Invested with power to open or to shut it; see on Revelation 9:1; and a great chain in his hand Emblematical of his power to perform the work here assigned him. And he laid hold on the dragon Who, after the destruction of the beast and of the false prophet, (to whom he had delegated his power,) still remained; that old serpent That ancient enemy of the human race, who, in the form of a subtle serpent, deceived the first parents of mankind, and brought sin and death into the world, with an incalculable train of evils attendant on them; who is the Devil The malicious and false accuser of God's saints, as the word διαβολος, so rendered, signifies; and Satan The grand adversary both of God and man; and bound him a thousand years That is, at least one thousand literal years; during which the light of the gospel shall be diffused through all the world, and the reign of truth and righteousness be established universally among men. “I think,” says Doddridge, “we must despair of being able to interpret any passage of Scripture upon the plainest principle of reason, if this do not signify that there shall be such a period as this, in which Satan shall be remarkably restrained, and the Christian interest shall prevail. But whether the one thousand years are here to be taken literally, as is most probable; or whether here [as elsewhere in this book] each day is put for a year, and consequently the whole period be three hundred and sixty thousand years, I will not pretend to determine. This thought has been very lately started by an ingenious and worthy person, who, I doubt not, hath intended the service of Christianity; though I am very apprehensive he has failed in some of the mediums by which he has endeavoured to prove this point.” And cast him into the bottomless pit His infernal prison; afterward he is cast into the lake of fire; and shut him up therein, and set a seal upon him These are strong figures, to show the certain, strict, and severe restraint which he shall be laid under; that he might deceive the nations no more During this whole period. One benefit only is here expressed as resulting from the confinement of Satan; but how many and great blessings are implied! For the grand enemy and opposer of truth and righteousness being removed, the kingdom of God holds on its uninterrupted course among the nations; and the great mystery of God, so long foretold, is at length fulfilled Namely, when the beast and false prophet are destroyed, and Satan bound. This fulfilment approaches nearer and nearer, and contains things of the utmost importance, the knowledge of which becomes every day more distinct and easy. In the mean time, it is highly necessary to guard against the present rage and subtlety of the devil; remembering that the events which are to precede the binding of him, and the commencing of these one thousand years, are awful, and shortly to be expected, one after another, namely, the calamities implied in the vintage, (Revelation 14:18,) the pouring out of the last three vials, the judgment of Babylon, the last raging of the beast and false prophet, and their destruction. How great things are these! and how short the time! What is needful for us? Wisdom, patience, faithfulness, watchfulness. Surely this is not a time for us to settle upon our lees. This, if it be rightly understood, will not be an acceptable message to the wise, the mighty, the honourable of this world. Yet that which is to be done shall be done: there is no counsel against the Lord. After that he must be loosed So does the mysterious wisdom of God permit; for a little season For a small time, comparatively: though, upon the whole, it cannot be very short, because the things that are to be transacted therein (see Rev 20:8-9) must take up a considerable space.

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