Because thou sayest, I am rich In gifts and grace, as well as worldly goods; and increased with goods Greek, και πεπλουτηκα, literally, And have enriched myself, by my own wisdom and virtue; and have need of nothing Imagining thy state in religion to be very prosperous and happy; and knowest not Dost not so much as suspect that thy religion is at all defective: that thou art In God's account; wretched, miserable, &c. In a most deplorable condition, destitute of every desirable blessing. I counsel thee Who art poor, and blind, and naked; to buy of me Without money or price; gold tried in the fire Living faith, purified in the furnace of affliction; that thou mayest be rich In the enjoyment of God's favour, and communion with him, and all the blessings consequent thereon. And white raiment True and genuine holiness; that thou mayest be clothed With the divine image and nature. And anoint thine eyes with eye-salve Spiritual illumination; the unction of the Holy One, which teacheth all things; that thou mayest see Mayest possess that acquaintance with God and things divine which is essential to true religion. As many as I love Even thee, thou poor Laodicean. As if he had said, Do not imagine that what may seem severe in this address, proceeds from any unkindness to thee: far from it: love, that is, a regard to thine immortal interests, dictates the whole. O how much has his unwearied love to do! From this principle, I rebuke For what is past: and chasten That men may amend for the time to come. Be zealous, therefore More so than thou hast ever been, and deeply repent Of thy prevailing lukewarmness and indolence.

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