Now the God of hope A glorious title of God, but till now unknown to the heathen; for their goddess Hope, like their other idols, was nothing, whose temple at Rome was burned by lightning. It was indeed built again not long after, but was again burned to the ground. It is with great propriety that Jehovah is termed the God of hope, for there Isaiah, 1 st, In his nature and attributes; 2d, In the relations in which he stands to mankind in general, as their Creator, Preserver, Benefactor, Governor, and Judge; and to his own people in particular, as their Redeemer, Saviour, Friend, and Father; 3d, In what he hath already done for them in giving his Son for their redemption, and in sending them the gospel light, and his Spirit's aid; and, 4th, In what he hath promised still further to do for such as do not reject his counsel against themselves; there is, in these particulars, a most sure and glorious foundation laid for the most firm, lively, enlarged, and blessed hope, for all who will be persuaded to come to it and build thereon, by true repentance, living faith, and new obedience. And we may assure ourselves beyond a doubt, that

“No man too largely from his love can hope, If what he hopes he labours to secure.”

He is also called the God of hope, because, by raising his Son from the dead, and bringing life and immortality to light by the gospel, he hath presented to our view the most glorious object of hope possible to be presented to us; and because, by adopting believers into his family, regenerating them by his grace, constituting them his heirs, and giving them an earnest of their future inheritance in their hearts, he hath begotten them again to a lively hope of an incorruptible inheritance, an exceeding great and eternal weight of glory. Fill you with all joy True spiritual joy, at all times, Philippians 4:4; and in all things, 1 Thessalonians 5:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; joy arising from the sources mentioned in the note on Romans 14:17: and peace, of all sorts, in believing In or by the exercise of your faith in God and Christ, and the truths and promises of the gospel. That ye may abound in hope In a lively expectation of eternal life, felicity, and glory, and of continued, increasing grace, to help you in every time of need And of all things necessary for life and godliness. Through the power of the Holy Ghost Enlightening and quickening, renewing, strengthening, and comforting you.

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