Thou that dwellest The word היושׁבת thus rendered, is in the feminine gender, which plainly shows that Christ speaks here to his spouse, being about to depart from her for a season, as the next verse shows; in the gardens Not in the wilderness of the world, for believers are called out of the world, (John 15:19,) but in the church, the garden of God, which God hath fenced and appropriated to himself. He saith, gardens, because of the many particular congregations into which the church is divided. The companions The friends of the bride and bridegroom; hearken to thy voice Diligently observe all thy words, and thy whole conduct toward me, and all the transactions between thee and me. Cause me to hear thy voice When I am gone from thee, let me hear thy prayers and praises, and the preaching of my gospel in the world.

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