1 Samuel 10:1

Does the Scripture give contradictory accounts of the anointing of Saul? PROBLEM: According to 1 Samuel 10:1, Samuel anointed Saul at the outskirts of Ramah in the territory of Zuph (cf. 9:5). However, 1 Samuel 10:17-24 asserts that Saul was appointed king of Israel at Mizpah. Are these accounts co... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 10:20,21

Was Saul chosen by God, by the people, or by casting a lot? PROBLEM: The Bible says Saul was chosen by the people (1 Samuel 8:19), by the Lord (1 Samuel 9:17; 1 Samuel 10:24), and by casting a lot (1 Samuel 10:20-21). Which was it? SOLUTION: All three are true. Since the people demanded of God a ki... [ Continue Reading ]

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