How could the wise men and sorcerers of Pharaoh perform the same feats
of power that God told Moses to perform?
PROBLEM: Several passages in Exodus (7:11, 22; 8:7) state that the
wise men, sorcerers, and magicians of Pharaoh did the same works with
their enchantments which God commanded Moses and A... [ Continue Reading ]
How could Israel escape this judgment if it came upon all the land of
PROBLEM: Several times in the account of the plagues the Scripture
states that the judgments would be upon “all the land of Egypt”
(7:19; 8:16, 24; [“throughout,” 9:22]). However, other passages
assert that God protected I... [ Continue Reading ]
How could Moses have turned all the water to blood if the magicians
had some left to do the same thing?
PROBLEM: Exodus 7:20 asserts that “all the waters that were in the
river were turned to blood” by Moses. But only two verses later it
says the magicians of Egypt performed the same feat (v. 22),... [ Continue Reading ]