Ezra 4:23

How could foreign influence have caused the work to cease when Haggai 1:2 blames it on the indifference of the leaders? PROBLEM: Ezra 4:7-23 records that after the great beginning made by the people in laying the foundation of the temple, foreign enemies came up to force the people to stop the rebu... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 4:24

How could the rebuilding have begun during the reign of Cyrus when Ezra 4:24 says it was in the reign of Darius I? PROBLEM: According to Ezra 3:8-13, the rebuilding of the temple began under the reign of Cyrus the Great (cf. Ezra 5:16), who reigned in Persia from about 559 to 530 B.C. However, Ezra... [ Continue Reading ]

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