Genesis 8:1

Did God temporarily forget Noah? PROBLEM: The fact that the text says that “God remembered Noah” seems to imply that He temporarily forgot him. Yet the Bible declares that God knows all things (Psalms 139:2-4; Jeremiah 17:10; Hebrews 4:13) and that He never forgets His saints (Isaiah 49:15). How th... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:21

Did God change His mind about never destroying the world again? PROBLEM: According to this verse, after the flood, God promised, “Nor will I again destroy every living thing.” Yet Peter foretells the day in which “the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with ferven... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:22

If seedtime and harvest were never to be interrupted, then why were there famines? PROBLEM: God promised Noah: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest … shall not cease.” However, there are many famines recorded, even in Bible times, when there has been no harvest (cf. Genesis 26:1; Genesis... [ Continue Reading ]

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