Numbers 11:8

Did the manna taste like a honey wafer or like fresh oil? PROBLEM: Here the manna’s “taste was like the taste of pastry prepared with oil.” But in Exodus 16:31 asserts that the “taste of it was like wafers made with honey.” SOLUTION: The latter description may have been what the manna tasted like... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 11:24

Was the tabernacle outside the camp of Israel or inside it? PROBLEM: Numbers 2 places the tabernacle inside the camp, but here in Numbers 11:24 (cf. 12:4) it is said to be outside the camp. SOLUTION: It was both. The twelve tribes were camped around the tabernacle (Numbers 2:3; Numbers 2:10; Number... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 11:31-34

How could God bring judgment on the people for eating the quail that He provided? PROBLEM: God miraculously provided quail for the people to eat. However, the wrath of the Lord was aroused against them, and He struck them with a great plague so that many of them died (v. 33). How could the wrath of... [ Continue Reading ]

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