Psalms 37:9

PSALM 37:9; PSALMS 37:34 — When the wicked are cut off, are they annihilated? PROBLEM: The psalmist affirms that “evildoers shall be cut off.” Elsewhere (Psalms 73:27; Proverbs 21:28), it says they will perish (see comments on 2 Thessalonians 1:9). But, does being cut off forever mean they will be... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 37:25

Do the righteous ever beg bread? PROBLEM: David declares here, “I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.” But this is obviously not always true. Many of the starving thousands in the world today are Christians. Even the Bible spoke of “a certain beggar named Lazaru... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 37:34

PSALMS 37:9; 34 — When the wicked are cut off, are they annihilated? PROBLEM: The psalmist affirms that “evildoers shall be cut off.” Elsewhere (Psalms 73:27; Proverbs 21:28), it says they will perish (see comments on 2 Thessalonians 1:9). But, does being cut off forever mean they will be annihilat... [ Continue Reading ]

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