BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST; heartily, so as to trust in him
for salvation.
HIM THAT BEGAT-HIM THAT IS BEGOTTEN; the spiritual child bears the
image of God his Father. Hence the love of the Father implies the love
of all his children.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THIS WE KNOW; obedience is the test of love towards God; and the
love of God includes in itself the love of the brethren, chap 1 John
3:17; 1 John 4:20-21.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT GRIEVOUS; not burdensome and oppressive. Compare Matthew 11:30.... [ Continue Reading ]
assertion just made, that God's commands are not grievous. Nothing is
opposed to the fulfilment of them but the love of the world; and this
is overcome by all who are born of God.
THIS IS THE VICTORY-OUR FAITH; for through faith we... [ Continue Reading ]
BY WATER; in his baptism, when he was by the testimony of the Father
solemnly proclaimed as the Messiah.
AND BLOOD; in his bloody death on the cross, when he made expiation
for the sins of the world, which was the great work of his earthly
NOT BY WATER ONLY, BUT BY WATER AND BLOOD; thus t... [ Continue Reading ]
AGREE IN ONE; they unite in one and the same testimony concerning the
character and office of Jesus as the Messiah. The necessity and
efficacy of the atonement of Christ, of faith in him, and of the
purifying influences of the Holy Spirit, in order to salvation, are
taught by the word, the Spirit, t... [ Continue Reading ]
GREATER; more certainly true and worthy of belief.
THIS; the testimony above referred to.... [ Continue Reading ]
HATH THE WITNESS IN HIMSELF; evidence of the truth of God's testimony
by the effects which the Holy Ghost produces on him in his believing
MADE HIM A LIAR; acts towards him as if he were one.
THE RECORD THAT GOD GAVE; in the ways above mentioned. Disbelief of
the testimony of God is a great an... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVEN TO US ETERNAL LIFE; made known to us the way of life, and given
it to all who take that way.
THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON; he is the author of it, and it is obtained by
faith in him.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT HATH THE SON; as his Saviour, by believing on him.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THAT YE MAY BELIEVE; believe with more steadfastness.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE HAVE THE PETITIONS; our prayers are accepted, and will be answered
in that way and time which will be for the glory of God and our own
highest good. See note to chap 1 John 3:22. Prayers offered according
to the will of God are always accepted of him; and in the bestowment
of those blessings whic... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVE HIM LIFE; by leading him to repent of his sins and believe in
A SIN UNTO DEATH; one which will not be repented of nor forgiven.
Matthew 12:31-32.... [ Continue Reading ]
A SIN NOT UNTO DEATH; one that may be repented of and forgiven.... [ Continue Reading ]
SINNETH NOT; willfully, deliberately, perseveringly; but if he sin, he
repents, has an Advocate with the Father, and will be forgiven. See
note to chap 1 John 3:6-10.
THAT WICKED ONE; the devil.
TOUCHETH HIM NOT; assails him not in such a way as to overcome and
destroy him. Luke 22:31-32.... [ Continue Reading ]
LIETH IN WICKEDNESS; under the influences of the wicked one.... [ Continue Reading ]
MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE; the Father whom the Son has revealed to us.
AND WE ARE IN HIM-JESUS CHRIST; the literal rendering of these words
is, And we are in him that is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. The
meaning seems to be, that we are in the true God by being in his Son
Jesus Christ; or, which c... [ Continue Reading ]
FROM IDOLS; from idolatry literal and spiritual; from worshipping or
regarding supremely any created thing.... [ Continue Reading ]