Believing masters; Christians.

Not despise them; not withhold from them the manifestation of a respectful, obedient, Christian spirit, because they are brethren in Christ.

Rather do them service; promote their interests the more cheerfully. Galatians 6:10.

Faithful; or, as the margin, believing, as the same word is rendered in the beginning of the verse.

Beloved; of God.

Partakers of the benefit; sharers with you in the benefit of the grace of the gospel. But we may better render, sharers with you in well-doing, or helpers with you in well-doing; that is, well-doing towards each other and all men. From such masters, therefore, servants have a right to expect the same kind, benevolent, forgiving, Christian spirit which is required of themselves. Ephesians 6:9. That they will forbear to threaten them with evil, and as they learn what their rights are, will respect them and render to them what is just and equal, Colossians 4:1; knowing that this is required of them by their Master in heaven. Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31. Ministers are bound to teach, that Christians in bondage, when wrongfully treated, whether in accordance with or in opposition to human laws, should possess and manifest the humble, patient, peaceful, forgiving, and obedient spirit of Christ, whether those who hold them in bondage are Christians or heathen; that they may thus show the excellence of Christ's religion, and if possible, lead all to embrace it. Romans 12:21.

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Old Testament