2 Corinthians 6:1
THE GRACE OF GOD; his gracious offer of pardon and salvation through Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GRACE OF GOD; his gracious offer of pardon and salvation through Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE SAITH; ISAIAH 49:8. I HAVE HEARD THEE; the Messiah, to whom the words quoted by Paul are addressed. SUCCORED THEE; in thy work of man's salvation. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME; the time foretold by the prophet when God, in a preeminent way, would hear and succor his Son in the work of man's salvat... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVING NO OFFENCE; that is, we the apostles giving no offence. THE MINISTRY; the apostolic ministry committed to us by Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN MUCH PATIENCE; endurance of trials, as the word in the original means. This and the next verse contain an enumeration of the circumstances in which they approved themselves as faithful ministers of God. The office of ministers of the gospel is one of high dignity and honor. They are workers toget... [ Continue Reading ]
BY PURENESS; of heart and life. In this and the following verse he mentions the spiritual graces and instrumentalities belonging to his ministry. He then passes again to the conditions and character, temporal and spiritual, under which it was exercised, 2 Corinthians 6:8-10. BY KNOWLEDGE; of the go... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORD OF TRUTH; which they proclaimed. THE POWER OF GOD; by which he sanctioned and gave efficacy to the truths they uttered. BY THE ARMOR OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; the armor furnished by "the righteousness which is of faith." For a full description of it see Ephesians 6:13-18, which is the best commen... [ Continue Reading ]
AS DECEIVERS; in the view of our enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNKNOWN; especially to the rich, great, and powerful of this world. WELL KNOWN; by the efficacy of our labors. DYING; exposed continually to be put to death. WE LIVE; being upheld in life by the power of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
SORROWFUL; on account of our conflict with sin and suffering. ALWAYS REJOICING; in God, and the triumphs of his grace. POOR; as to this world. RICH; for eternity. NOTHING; of the wealth of earth. ALL THINGS; that will be truly beneficial on earth and in heaven. Persons united by faith to Christ... [ Continue Reading ]
OUR MOUTH IS OPEN; we speak freely from the fulness of our hearts. OUR HEART IS ENLARGED; with love towards you, so that there is room enough in it to take you all in.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT STRAITENED IN US; there is no want of room in our hearts to receive you. STRAITENED IN YOUR OWN BOWELS; it is your hearts that are too narrow to receive us. The want of confidence and love is on your side, not ours.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR A RECOMPENSE IN THE SAME; that you may recompense our largeness of heart towards you, by exercising the same towards us. BE YE ALSO ENLARGED; so as to take us into your hearts with full love and confidence.... [ Continue Reading ]
BE YE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS; intimately connected-Christians with heathen; believers in Christ with unbelievers. All such connections as tend to increase wickedness or encourage sin should be carefully avoided, and such a course of life be pursued as most tends to promote hol... [ Continue Reading ]
BELIAL; Satan.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE; the company of believers, the church. ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD; in which he especially dwells. Ephesians 2:21-22. GOD HATH SAID; EXODUS 29:45; LEVITICUS 26:12; JEREMIAH 31:33; EZEKIEL 11:20; Ezekiel 36:28; Ezekiel 37:27.... [ Continue Reading ]
COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM; do not unite with them, nor encourage or connive at any of their idolatrous or wicked practices. Leviticus 11:44; 1 Peter 1:15-16.... [ Continue Reading ]
A FATHER; friend, saviour, guardian, protector, guide, benefactor, and portion. SONS AND DAUGHTERS; like God in temper, and heirs to the eternal glories of his kingdom. ALMIGHTY; infinitely powerful, able, and willing to do all he has promised. As Jehovah the Almighty God is through grace the Fath... [ Continue Reading ]