2 Timothy 3:3

TRUCE - BREAKERS; faithless men, who break treaties and refuse to fulfil their engagements. INCONTINENT; not restraining their fleshly lusts.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:5

HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS; having only its external form. These words mark the men whose character the apostle has drawn in such dark colors, as only outwardly members of the church of Christ. DENYING THE POWER; showing by their lives that they have not the spirit of true religion, and have not ex... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:6

THIS SORT; of false teachers. CREEP INTO HOUSES; go slyly into families. LEAD CAPTIVE; get the confidence, and thus control the conscience and the purse of weak and wicked women. Inducing weak and silly women to repose such confidence in their spiritual guide as to reveal to him their secret feeli... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:7

EVER LEARNING; from their false teachers what they would have them believe and do. NEVER ABLE; under such teachers, to know the truths of the gospel. Compare Matthew 15:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:8

JANNES AND JAMBRES; traditional names of two of the Egyptian magicians. WITHSTOOD MOSES; Exodus 7:11. THESE; these corrupt teachers. RESIST THE TRUTH; by pretending to be Christ's, and yet opposing his truth.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:9

NO FURTHER; in their propagation of error and wickedness, than God shall suffer them. AS THEIRS ALSO WAS; the folly of Jannes and Jambres, who pretended to work miracles when they did not. In opposing what is good and in promoting what is evil, men will proceed no further than God shall suffer them... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:13

Men who knowingly seduce others into sin become more and more wicked, and in deceiving others they often deceive themselves, to their own destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:15

HOLY SCRIPTURES; of the Old Testament. All who have the Bible may, and if they rightly treat it will, become wise to salvation; and if they do not, it will be their own fault.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:16

INSPIRATION OF GOD; God directed the men who wrote it what to write, and how to write it, that as a rule of faith and practice for men it might be perfect. FOR DOCTRINE; the communication of instruction. FOR REPROOF; to show men their sins. FOR CORRECTION; to reclaim them. FOR INSTRUCTION; in wh... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 3:17

THE MAN OF GOD; especially the religious teacher. PERFECT, THOROUGHLY FURNISHED; prepared and furnished on all sides. UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS; pertaining to him as a teacher. These include his life as well as his labors. As the Lord said to dead matter, "Let there be light," and there was light, Genesi... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament