Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
2 Timothy 4:6
Offered; poured out as a drink-offering. My blood is about to be poured out for my attachment to Christ.
Offered; poured out as a drink-offering. My blood is about to be poured out for my attachment to Christ.
Verse 6. _FOR I AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED_] ηοηαπενδομαι. _I am already poured out as a libation_. Philippians 2:17, Philippians 2:17. He considers himself as on the eve of being sacrificed, and loo...
FOR I AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED - This conviction of the apostle that he was about to die, is urged as a reason why Timothy should be laborious and faithful in the performance of the duties of his of...
IV. THE LAST WORDS OF THE APOSTLE CHAPTER 4 _ 1. The last charge (2 Timothy 4:1)_ 2. His last testimony (2 Timothy 4:6) 3. The last personal messages (2 Timothy 4:9)...
(_c_) 2 TIMOTHY 4:1. TIMOTHY'S DUTY IN THE CRISIS. Threatened with such opposition (2 Timothy 3:1) and strengthened by such safeguards (2 Timothy 3:10), Timothy must persistently teach the _positive t...
PAUL'S GROUNDS OF APPEAL (2 Timothy 4:1-5)...
For my life has reached the point when it must be sacrificed, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight: I have completed the course: I have kept the faith. As for what remai...
NOW READY, &c.. already being poured out. Greek. _spendomai_. See Philippians 2:17. DEPARTURE. Greek. _analusis_. Only here. Compare Philippians 1:1; Philippians 1:29. at hand
-I have appealed to you by the _warning_of the evil times and teachers that will be: I appeal to you now by the _example_of the good times and the good teacher that have been. Let my mantle fall on yo...
_For I am now ready to be offered_ The present tense is still more vivid, and so the personal pronoun FOR AS TO ME I AM ALREADY BEING OFFERED; and the Greek word means -am being poured out as a drink-...
The last appeal. The same warning. The old example The three main thoughts (see 2 Timothy 3:1) recur, but with added intensity, in this last brief _appeal_, and _warning_, and _example_. Similarly in...
ΤΗ͂Σ�. So אACGP 17: rec. text has τῆς ἐμῆς�. with D2EKL &c. 6. ἘΓῺ ΓᾺΡ ἬΔΗ ΣΠΈΝΔΟΜΑΙ. _For I am already being poured out_, sc. as a libation. γάρ supplies the connexion with the preceding injunction,...
ΣΠΈΝΔΟΜΑΙ _praes. ind. pass._ (G4689) предлагать в жертву, предлагать жертву возлияния (Philippians 2:17; Kelly). _Praes._ обозначает развивающееся действие, ΆΝΑΛΎΣΕΩΣ _gen. от_ ΆΝΆΛΥΣΙΣ (G359) уход....
I AM—READY TO BE OFFERED,— The original is very emphatical: _For I am already poured out as a libation._ So St. Peter foresaw his approaching martyrdom, 2 Ephesians 1:14. St. Paul uses the word σπενδο...
PART THREE _Testimony 4:6-18_ 1. ASSURANCE IN THE FACE OF DEATH 2 Timothy 4:6-8 _TEXT 4:6-8_ 6 For I am already being offered, and the time of my departure is come. 7 I have fought the good fight,...
For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. [ Eedee (G2235) spendomai (G4689)] 'For I am already being made a libation:' appropriate to the shedding of his blood. Eve...
12 This is a crucial test of our true state. Are we suffering persecution? If not, are we in earnest in our will to live devoutly in Christ Jesus? All who tread this path will be persecuted. Paul hims...
4:6 out, (g-7) This is as Philippians 2:17 ....
FOR I, etc.] The 'I' is emphatic, in contrast to the 'Thou' of 2 Timothy 4:5. St. Paul's day is almost over, Timothy must wage his warfare alone. READY TO BE OFFERED] lit. 'being poured out as a drink...
ST. PAUL'S LAST MESSAGES AND COUNSELS 1-8. The Apostle, knowing that his days are fast drawing to a close, exhorts Timothy to increased diligence and earnestness in his teaching, in view of the immin...
FOR I AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED. — What, in the Philippian Epistle (Philippians 2:17), was alluded to as a contingency likely enough to happen here is spoken of as something which was then absolutely...
The connexion from 2 Timothy 4:3 seems to be this: The dangers to the Church are pressing and instant; they can only be met by watchfulness, self-sacrifice, and devotion to duty on the part of the lea...
I solemnly charge you, in view of the coming judgment, to be zealous in the exercise of your ministry while the opportunity lasts, while people are willing to listen to your admonitions. Soon the craz...
THE VICTOR'S FINAL CHARGE 2 Timothy 4:1 To the end Paul held to the appearing of Jesus, though he might not live to see it; and it was to precede and usher in the coming of the Kingdom. The world of...
As the result of these charges, the apostle shows what Timothy's attitude must be toward those over whom he has oversight. There are four things which he must do. "Preach the Word," "reprove," "rebuke...
PAUL'S FAREWELL ADDRESS As Paul saw the end of his life approaching, he said, “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering,” which is an allusion to the drink offering poured out on the alta...
(4) For I am now ready to be (c) offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. (4) He foretells his death to be at hand, and sets before them an excellent example, both of invincible constancy, a...
_ I am even now ready to be sacrificed. [5] Literally, to be immolated. See Philippians ii. 17. --- The time of my dissolution (literally, resolution) is at hand. This makes many judge that this lette...
(6) For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. (7) I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: (8) Henceforth there is laid up for me...
Turning to the SECOND EPISTLE, we find that, although there is the same grand truth of the Saviour God maintained, the state of things had become sensibly worse, and the hour for the apostle's departu...
_‘READY TO BE OFFERED’_ ‘I am now ready to be offered.’ 2 Timothy 4:6 How many of us can say this? Do we not often feel in a strait betwixt two? I. THINGS WHICH MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO SAY WITH ST....
6_For I am now offered as a sacrifice _He assigns the reason for the solemn protestation which he employed. As if he had said, “So long as I lived, I stretched out my hand to thee; my constant exhorta...
Does this perfect and supreme authority of the scriptures set aside ministry ? By no means; it is the foundation of the ministry of the word. One is a minister of the word; one proclaims the word rest...
FOR I AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED,.... Or poured out, as a libation, or a drink offering; or as the blood was poured out at the bottom of the altar; which is expressive of martyrdom, and shows that the...
For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. Ver. 6. _Ready to be offered_] To be poured out as a drink offering upon God's altar. _a_ Thus the apostle expresseth himsel...
_But watch thou_ Both over thyself and flock, and withstand the beginnings of all these corruptions; let thy mind be awake and watchful; _in all things_ Whatever thou art doing, let this be thy earnes...
The apostle writes this last chapter with a deepening sense in his soul of the nearness of his martyrdom; and it is most precious to observe how the solemnity of his charge to Timothy is mingled with...
6-8 The blood of the martyrs, though not a sacrifice of atonement, yet was a sacrifice of acknowledgment to the grace of God and his truth. Death to a good man, is his release from the imprisonment o...
OLBGrk; FOR I AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED; spendomai, the word properly signifieth to be offered as a drink-offering, which was offered by being poured out. Some say that spendomai is only used to sign...
Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians till God shall show who is to hold the rule over you. For "I am now ready to be offered,"[34] Tertullian Scorpiace I have fought the good fight, I have finish...
2 Timothy 4:6 For G1063 I G1473 already G2235 offering G4689 (G5743) and G2532 time G2540 my G1699 departure...
2 Timothy 4:6. FOR I AM READY TO BE OFFERED. There is a pathetic tenderness in the reason thus given. ‘Do thy work thoroughly, for mine is all but over.' The Greek is, however, even more emphatic, ‘ _...
I AM ALREADY BEING OFFERED (ηδη σπενδομα). Present (progressive) passive indicative of σπενδω, old verb, to pour out a libation or drink offering. In N.T. only here and Philippians 2:17. "What was...
2 Timothy 4:1. _I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word;_ We are not to use such strong...
2 Timothy 3:1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,...
CONTENTS: Christ's faithful servant and the faithfulness of Christ to His own. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Paul, Demas, Timothy, Luke, Mark, Tychicus, Carpus, Alexander, Prisca, Aquila, Onesiphorus, Era...
2 Timothy 4:1. _I charge thee therefore before God preach the word._ Paul speaks here as a dying man, soon to appear before the throne of God and the Lamb. Soldiers must not sleep in war without a wat...
AS FOR ME. "I have done my best! Now my King is calling me from the field of action. You will no longer have me to depend upon." TO BE SACRIFICED. Paul uses a word which points out his own death as a...
2 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 2 TIMOTHY 4:6 A DRINK OFFERING. Paul describes his death in OT sacrificial language (compare Genesis 35:14;...
_CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_ 2 Timothy 4:6. FOR I AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED.—R.V. “I am already being offered.” R.V. margin, “poured out as a drink-offering.” When the gaoler took the cup of heml...
EXPOSITION 2 TIMOTHY 4:1 _In the sight of God, and of Christ Jesus _for _therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, _A.V. and T.R.; _and by _for _at, _A.V. and T.R. I CHARGE THEE (διαμαρτύρομαι...
Ver. 6. The course of active, faithful, devoted labour in the work of the ministry thus enjoined upon Timothy is now enforced by a reference to the apostle's own case, his approaching departure from t...
Paul said to Timothy, I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 4:1), Hey, that's heavy duty, man, when you charge a person before God and before the Lord Jesus Christ. Laying a...
2 Peter 1:14; 2 Peter 1:15; Deuteronomy 31:14; Genesis 48:21;...
For I am now ready to be offered [ε γ ω γ α ρ η δ η σ π ε ν δ ο μ α ι]. I, emphatic contrast with su thou, verse 5. Already. What he is now suffering is the beginning of the end. Spendesqai to be pour...
LIFE'S BACKWARD AND FORWARD LOOK 2 Timothy 4:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. There is a time when we should not look backward. (1) We should not look back with a heart of longing after the fleshpots of Egy...
The time of my departure is at hand — So undoubtedly God had shown him. I am ready to be offered up — Literally, to be poured out, as the wine and oil were on the ancient sacrifices....
Our apostle being now come almost to the end of his Christian and ministerial race, he first looks downward into his grave with comfort, ver, 6. and sees his death. pleasing sacrifice to God, and. swe...