Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Acts 10:5
Joppa; chap Acts 9:36.
Joppa; chap Acts 9:36.
ACTS 10:5 tina, {B} The presence of tina, after Si,mwna is altogether appropriate in the mouth of Cornelius, to whom Peter was unknown. On the other hand, however, the expression “a certain Simon who...
CHAPTER 10 _ 1. Cornelius of Caesarea and his Preparation (Acts 10:1)._ 2. The Trance-vision of Peter (Acts 10:9). 3. Peter with Cornelius at Caesarea (Acts 10:17). 4. Peter Preaching to the Gentil...
ACTS 10. THE CONVERSION OF CORNELIUS. This incident is parallel to the conversion of the Ethiopian by Philip; both show the extension of the Gospel beyond the Jews, and prepare for the story of the Pa...
A DEVOUT SOLDIER (Acts 10:1-8)...
There was a man in Caesarea called Cornelius. He was a centurion in the battalion called the Italian battalion. He was a devout man and a God-fearer with all his household. He did many an act of chari...
SEND. Greek. _pempo._ App-174. CALL FOR. send for. Greek. _metapempo._ App-174. WHOSE SURNAME IS. who is surnamed....
Acts 10:1. Cornelius is divinely warned to send for Peter St Luke now brings to our notice the circumstances which attended the first preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles. The Apostles, though inf...
ΣΊΜΩΝΆ ΤΙΝΑ with ABC. _Vulg_. ‘Simonem quemdam.’...
_CORNELIUS, A GOOD MORAL MAN ACTS 10:1-8:_ In Acts chapter ten we meet a man named Cornelius, who was a captain of a group of soldiers called "The Italian Band." He lived in Caesarea. Cornelius was Ro...
ΠΈΜΨΟΝ _aor. imper. act. от_ ΠΈΜΠΩ (G3992) посылать. _Aor. imper._ призывает к специфическому действию с оттенком срочности. ΜΕΤΆΠΕΜΨΑΙ _aor. imper. med. от_ ΜΕΤΑΠΈΜΠΩ (G3343) посылать за кем-л. Med....
IN CAESAREA, Acts 10:1-48. a. Cornelius and his vision. Acts 10:1-8. Acts 10:1 Now there was a certain man in Caesarea, Cornelius by name, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,...
See notes on verse 3...
And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter: AND NOW SEND MEN TO JOPPA, AND CALL FOR ONE SIMON. The word "one," printed in italics in the King James Version, belongs t...
There were two classes of proselytes: the proselytes of righteousness and the proselytes of the gate. The former, by circumcision and conformation to the Jewish ritual, became incorporated into the Je...
PETER AND THE GENTILES 1-48. Conversion of Cornelius. The baptism of Cornelius was an event of farreaching importance, and is, therefore, described by St. Luke in great detail. If it was not the first...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 10 CORNELIUS THE SOLDIER, 10:1-8 V1 There was a man called Cornelius in Caesarea. He was a captain in the *Roman army. He was the captain of a...
CALL FOR ONE SIMON, WHOSE SURNAME IS PETER. — The circumstances of the communication present, it is obvious, a striking parallelism with those attendant on the revelation to Ananias in Acts 9:10. To t...
μετάπεμψαι : middle, his messengers were to perform his wishes; only in Acts in N.T., where it occurs nine times, but found twice in LXX and in Maccabees; so too mostly in the middle in classical writ...
GUIDANCE FOR MEN WHO PRAY Acts 10:1-16 At this point the Church took a new departure, and the gospel broke over the walls of Jewish exclusiveness and was preached for the first time to pure-blooded G...
The story of Cornelius is remarkable. In himself, as Luke tells us, he was "a devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, who gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway." This m...
A God Fearing Gentile Is Directed to Seek the Truth The city of Caesarea, according to Ash, was "an important seaport and the center of the Roman government and militia for the area. Both Greeks and J...
When I was in Joppa, I visited the house of Simon the tanner by the seaside, ascended to the roof, and there prayed where Peter was praying when he saw the vision and heard the voice of the Spirit com...
SANCTIFICATION OF CORNELIUS 1-48. Cornelius was a noted Roman officer living at Caesarea, the seat of the imperial government in Judea. The Holy Ghost pronounces him _Eusebees_, _i. e_., godly, and ce...
There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, (2) A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people,...
We are now arrived at a turning-point in the history, not merely of the church, but of the unfolding of the truth of God, and the manifestation of His ways. The death of Stephen, therefore, has in var...
5._Now send to Joppa. _God dealt most favorably with Cornelius, in that he doth not command him to go himself, but to send messengers unto Peter, that he may stay quietly at home, and that Peter may e...
The undiminished power of Peter, his apostolic authority, in the midst of which the entrance of Cornelius into the spiritual house of God takes place, in connection with Peter's ministry, and that, af...
AND NOW SEND MEN TO JOPPA,.... Which lay near to Caesarea; AND CALL FOR ONE SIMON, WHOSE SURNAME IS PETER: the angel was not sent to instruct Cornelius himself, but to direct him to an apostle of Chr...
And now send men to Joppa, and call for _one_ Simon, whose surname is Peter: Ver. 5. _Call for one Simon_] Though an angel certifies Cornelius's prayers were accepted, yet he reads not to him the doc...
_He saw_ At a time, it seems, when engaged in secret devotion; _in a vision_ Not in a trance, like Peter; _evidently_ Φανερως, manifestly and plainly, so as to leave him, though not accustomed to thin...
CORNELIUS THE CENTURION. The vision of Cornelius:...
Gentiles also must now hear the gospel. The heart of Cornelius, a Roman centurion, had been already prepared by God, having a wholesome, genuine fear of God that proved itself in kind works toward the...
NOW SEND MEN TO JOPPA, AND SEND FOR SIMON WHOSE SURNAME IS PETER. 6 He is lodging with Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the sea. He will tell you what you must do. " 1. Cornelius is instructed to...
"And now send men to Joppa, and fetch one Simon, who is surnamed Peter" Joppa was located about thirty-two miles along the coast to the south. The purpose of this is so that Peter can preach to them ...
1-8 Hitherto none had been baptized into the Christian church but Jews, Samaritans, and those converts who had been circumcised and observed the ceremonial law; but now the Gentiles were to be called...
JOPPA, a town that was memorable for Jonah's taking ship there, when he would flee from God, and decline his message, 1 THESSALONIANS 1:3. The angel could have declared the gospel, and instructed Corn...
Acts 10:5 G2532 Now G3568 send G3992 (G5657) men G435 to G1519 Joppa G2445 and G2532 for G
‘And he, fastening his eyes on him, and being afraid, said, “What is it, Lord?” And he said to him, “Your prayers and your charitable giving have gone up for a memorial before God. And now send men to...
Acts 10:5. SEND MEN TO JOPPA. The exact mention of the place is very emphatic: and it recurs again both in the account given by Cornelius to Peter (Acts 10:32), and in the apologetic statement made by...
FETCH (μεταπεμψα). First aorist middle (indirect, for one's self) imperative of μεταπεμπω, usual voice in ancient Greek with this verb in sense of sending another for one's own sake. Only in Acts i...
CONTENTS: Peter opens the gospel door to the Gentiles. Cornelius sends for Peter and Peter goes to Caesarea. Peter's sermon to Gentiles in Cornelius' house. Holy Spirit comes upon Gentile believers....
Acts 10:1. _Cornelius, a centurion._ The person to whom St. Peter is sent to preach the gospel is described by name, Cornelius. By his occupation, a soldier. By his religion, a proselyte or converted...
TO CALL FOR A CERTAIN MAN. Note it is not the angel who tells him the Good News of God's act in Christ to set men free. Cornelius is told to send for Peter [in order to learn what he must believe and...
_There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion._ PETER’S VISION The record of the advance of the young Church gives in quick succession three typical conversions: first, that of t...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 10:1. THERE WAS.—Omitted in best MSS. CENTURION.—ἑκατοντάρχης (Acts 27:1) = ἑκατοντάρχος (Acts 21:32; compare Luke 7:2;...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 10:1. THERE WAS.—Omitted in best MSS. CENTURION.—ἑκατοντάρχης (Acts 27:1) = ἑκατοντάρχος (Acts 21:32; compare Luke 7:2;...
EXPOSITION ACTS 10:1 Now _there was _(two last words in italics) for _there was _(in roman), A.V. and T.R.; _Cornelius by name _for _called Cornelius, _A.V. A glance at the map will show that Caesare...
In the first chapter of Acts, Jesus said to His disciples, "But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Ju...
Acts 10:32; Acts 15:7; Acts 16:9; Acts 9:38; John 1:42;...
THE STORY OF CORNELIUS Acts 10:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Before the Lord Jesus went up into Heaven, He gave command to the Apostles to disciple all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. In view of the far-flu...
Observe here, 1. That although God sent an angel to Cornelius, to acquaint him with his will; yet the angel was to direct him to the apostle, who was to instruct him in the faith. This, no doubt, God...