Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Acts 13:14
Antioch in Pisidia; so called, to distinguish it from Anitoch in Syria. Pisidia was a province north of Pamphylia, on the borders of which was Antioch.
Antioch in Pisidia; so called, to distinguish it from Anitoch in Syria. Pisidia was a province north of Pamphylia, on the borders of which was Antioch.
Verse Acts 13:14. _THEY CAME TO ANTIOCH IN PISIDIA_] This place is mentioned thus to distinguish it from _Antioch_ in _Syria_, with which it had nothing in common but the name. There were several cit...
THEY CAME TO ANTIOCH IN PISIDIA - Pisidia was a province of Asia Minor, and was situated north of Pamphylia. Antioch was not in Pisidia, but within the limits of Phrygia; but it belonged to Pisadia, a...
PART III The Witness to the Gentiles. The Apostle to the Gentiles; his Ministry and Captivity. Chapter s 13-28 CHAPTER 13 _ 1. The Divine Choice. Barnabas and Saul separated unto the work (Acts 1...
From Perga they went through the country and arrived at Pisidian Antioch. They went into the synagogue on the first day of the week and sat down. After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the rule...
THE FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEY (Acts 13:1-3) Acts 13:1-52; Acts 14:1-28 tell the story of the first missionary journey. Paul and Barnabas set out from Antioch. Antioch was 15 miles up the River Orontes...
WHEN THEY, &C. = having gone through, as Acts 13:6. ANTIOCH. The capital of Pisidia, and. Roman colony. IN. of. THE SABBATH DAY. the day of the sabbaths. See note on John 20:1. This was after Passo...
_But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia_ Better, "But they having PASSED THROUGH from Perga, came," &c. Pisidia lay inland to the N. of Pamphylia, and Antioch was in its ex...
ΑΥ̓ΤΟῚ ΔῈ ΔΙΕΛΘΌΝΤΕΣ�, _but they having passed through from Perga_. διέρχομαι is a very correct expression and should be precisely rendered. The direction in which they went obliged them to cross a wh...
_PAUL'S POWERFUL SERMON AT ANTIOCH ACTS 13:14-41:_ At Perga in Pamphylia John Mark left Paul and Barnabas and went back to Jerusalem. Later, this would cause no small trouble between these brethren. W...
ΔΙΕΛΘΌΝΤΕΣ _aor. act. part. (temp.), см._ Acts 13:6. Вероятно, они воспользовались мощеной римской дорогой, Via Sebaste (David French, "Acts and the Roman Roads of Asia Minor" BAFCS, 2:51-53; David Fr...
BUT WHEN THEY DEPARTED FROM PERGA, &C.— From Perga, Paul and Barnabas went further into the country, and came to Antioch, a considerable city in the district of Pisidia; which lay north of Pamphylia,...
AT ANTIOCH OF PISIDIA. Acts 13:14-52. a. In the synagogue, the first sermon of Paul. Acts 13:1. Acts 13:14 But they, passing through from Perga, came to Antioch of Pisidia; and they went into the s...
14, 15. Luke does not longer to recount the dangers through which the two travelers may have passed in crossing the mountains, but describes their progress in these few words: (14) "_But they, having...
But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down. BUT WHEN THEY DEPARTED FROM PERGA - apparently without making any s...
13 John, doubtless, was at fault in thus deserting the apostles. But there seems to be a deeper reason for his defection. Being from Jerusalem, and a nephew of Barnabas, he represented the weakness of...
ST. PAUL AS A MISSIONARY 1. Prophets] see on Acts 11:27. SIMEON THAT WAS CALLED NIGER] Niger was a Roman cognomen. LUCIUS OF CYRENE] doubtless one of those Cyrenians who first preached at Antioch (Act...
PERGA] An important city, the capital of Pamphylia. Antioch in Pisidia] rather, 'Pisidian Antioch.' This Antioch was really in Phrygia, but from its position was called 'Antiochia ad Pisidiam,' 'Antio...
ANTIOCH OF PISIDIA. ST. PAUL'S SERMON IN THE SYNAGOGUE. The cities which the apostles now proceeded to evangelise (Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe) were situated in the southern part of t...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 13 THE *HOLY SPIRIT CHOOSES BARNABAS AND SAUL, 13:1-3 V1 There were some *prophets and teachers in the *church at Antioch. They were Barnabas,...
THEY CAME TO ANTIOCH IN PISIDIA. — The town was one of the many cities built by Seleucus Nicator, and named after his father, Antiochus. It lay on the slopes of Mount Taurus, which the travelers must...
διελθόντες : in this journey northwards to Antioch the Apostles would probably follow the one definite route of commerce between Perga and that city; the natural and easy course would lead them to Ada...
THE SAVIOR ACCORDING TO PROMISE Acts 13:13-24 It was very natural that the missionary party should sail for Cyprus, partly because it was the first and nearest outpost of the great heathen world that...
The first most distinctly missionary movement sprang from Antioch, and was independent of all official initiation. A company of those in Antioch sent Saul and Barnabas, and it is declared immediately...
Proclaiming the Gospel in Antioch of Pisidia Ash says they would have landed at the port of Attalia and then gone on the short distance to Perga. For some reason, John Mark decided to leave "Paul and...
But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in (g) Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down. (g) This distinguishes between it, and Antioch which was in Syria...
Antioch. Many cities in Asia Minor bore this name. It is related that Seleucus Nicanor built many, and called them by this name, in honour of his father Antiochus. (Tirinus) --- Pamphylia and Pisidia...
They now go on south into Antioch of Pisidia....
Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem. (14) But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in P...
We now enter on the missionary journeys, as they are called, of the apostle Paul. The work, under the Spirit, opens to the glory of the Lord. Not merely are Gentiles met in grace and brought into the...
14._Entering, upon the day of the Sabbaths. _He putteth the plural number instead of the singular, as it falleth out oftentimes in other places of Scripture; for they were wont to assemble themselves...
We come now to the beginning of the direct history of the work, new in some important respects, that is, connected with Paul's mission by the immediate intervention of the Holy Ghost. It is not now Ch...
BUT WHEN THEY DEPARTED FROM PERGA,.... Where they seemed not to make any long stay; nor is there any account of what they did there; though it is certain here was a church of Christ in after times, an...
But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down. Ver. 14. _They sat down_] Bullinger's note here is very good. _Non im...
_When they departed from Perga_ Proceeding in the prosecution of their important work; _they came to Antioch in Pisidia_ A country to the north of Pamphylia; _and went into the synagogue on the sabbat...
AT ANTIOCH, IN PISIDIA. The journey and the arrival:...
From this time our attention is drawn particularly to the work of Saul, whose name is in this chapter changed to Paul, meaning "little," for one who is the most greatly used of God is, in his own esti...
"Pisidian Antioch" It was called Pisidian Antioch to distinguish it from the Antioch in Syria. "There are extensive ruins in the spot today, testifying that Pisidian Antioch was. great city on the mai...
14-31 When we come together to worship God, we must do it, not only by prayer and praise, but by the reading and hearing of the word of God. The bare reading of the Scriptures in public assemblies is...
ANTIOCH IN PISIDIA; so called to distinguish it from the other Antioch, mentioned in ACTS 13:1, which was a city in Syria, as this in Pisidia, next to, or part of, Pamphylia. WENT INTO THE SYNAGOGUE O...
14, 15. Luke does not longer to recount the dangers through which the two travelers may have passed in crossing the mountains, but describes their progress in these few words: (14) "_ But they, having...
Acts 13:14 But G1161 they G846 departed G1330 (G5631) from G575 Perga G4011 came G3854 (G5633) to...
‘But they, passing through from Perga, came to Antioch of Pisidia, and they went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.' So the party, minus Mark, did not remain in Perga but moved on th...
PAUL AND HIS COMPANY PREACH IN PISIDIAN ANTIOCH. (13:13-52). Paul ‘and his company' (thus there were at least one or two others besides Mark) left Paphos and sailed across to Perga in Pamphylia. It wi...
THE MINISTRY OF PAUL AND BARNABAS RESULTS IN THE COUNTER-ATTACK OF SATAN AND THE GATHERING AT JERUSALEM (13:1-15:35). Leaving Antioch under the direct commissioning of the Holy Spirit, in a parallel c...
Acts 13:14. THEY CAME TO ANTIOCH IN PISIDIA. Antioch in Pisidia was one of the many Antiochs (see note on Acts 13:4) built by Seleucus Nicator, about 350 years before the visit of Paul and Barnabas. I...
PASSING THROUGH (διελθοντες). It is not clear why Paul and Barnabas left Perga so soon nor why they went to Antioch in Pisidia. Ramsay suggests malaria that spurred them on to the hills after the de...
Acts 13:14. _But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down. And after reading of the law and the prophets,_ From whi...
Acts 13:13. _Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem._ «John» that is, John Mark, as we see by chapter 15...
Acts 13:13. _Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia; and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem. But when they departed from Perga, they came to Anti...
CONTENTS: Paul and Barnabas called. Satanic opposition from a sorcerer. Paul's sermon in the synagogue at Antioch. Opposition from Jews. Paul and Barnabas turn to Gentiles. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Ho...
Acts 13:1. _The church that was at Antioch,_ which was counted one of the five apostolic churches. It is the true church by way of eminence, the synagogue having degenerated into a state of warfare wi...
AND CAME TO ANTIOCH OF PISIDIA. There were a number of cities named Antioch. This one was almost directly north of Perga, and was the capital of the province of Pisidia. THEY WENT INTO THE SYNAGOGUE....
_Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia._ PERGA IN PAMPHYLIA Because Perga was little known Pamphylia is subjoined. It was an ancient city on the river Cest...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 13:14 ANTIOCH IN PISIDIA. The city had a large Jewish population. It had the high status of being a Roman “colony.” SYNAGOGUE. See notes on v. 5;...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 13:1 The Witness in Cyprus and Southern Galatia. Chapters Acts 13:1 and Acts 14:1 re
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 13:13. PAUL AND HIS COMPANY.—Note the two changes—first of Saul’s name, which is henceforth Paul, and next of Paul’s position in the mission as leader rather than as follower,...
EXPOSITION ACTS 13:1 _At Antioch., in the Church that was there _for _in the Church that was at Antioch, _A.V.; _prophets, _etc., for _certain prophets, _etc., A.V. and T.R.; _Barnabas, _etc., for _a...
Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; Barnabas, Simeon that was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch,...
Acts 14:19; Acts 14:21; Acts 13:5; Acts 16:13; Acts 17:2;...
ELYMAS, PAULUS, AND PAUL Acts 13:7 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Barnabas and Saul and John Mark made up the party that journeyed together, as the Holy Ghost led them in the way. It was a strong party, and th...
Antioch in Pisidia — Different from the Antioch mentioned Acts 13:1....