In preaching, the manner, as well as the matter, is important; and it
should be the earnest desire, the fervent prayer, and the diligent
effort of every minister of the gospel, so to speak that multitudes of
all classes shall, through the grace of God, be led to believe.... [ Continue Reading ]
GAVE TESTIMONY; proved the truth of what they taught, by enabling them
in his name to work miracles.... [ Continue Reading ]
When great numbers embrace the gospel, those who continue to reject it
are often filled with wrath against those who preach it. The community
is divided. A part join the friends, and a part the enemies of Christ,
and great commotions follow. These results wicked men attribute to the
gospel; but they... [ Continue Reading ]
LYSTRA AND DERBE; cities of Lycaonia, a province of Asia Minor.... [ Continue Reading ]
FAITH TO BE HEALED; confidence in the power of Christ, by means of
Paul, to heal him.... [ Continue Reading ]
SPEECH OF LYCAONIA; the language of that province.... [ Continue Reading ]
JUPITER; considered by the Greeks and Romans as the greatest of their
MERCURIUS; regarded as the god of eloquence.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE THEIR CITY; in front of their city was a temple dedicated to
GARLANDS; wreaths of flowers, with which they decorated the victims to
be offered in sacrifice.... [ Continue Reading ]
RENT THEIR CLOTHES; in token of their abhorrence of such sacrifices.... [ Continue Reading ]
MEN OF LIKE PASSIONS; frail, sinful, dying men.
THESE VANITIES; the worship of false and imaginary gods. Faithful
ministers of the gospel will be careful to let none think of them as
any thing more than men, of like infirmities with other men; and if
they are instrumental of good, they will inculca... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL NATIONS; the gentile world.
THEIR OWN WAYS; ways of idolatry and wickedness, without a written
revelation.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITNESS; evidences of his existence, power, and goodness.... [ Continue Reading ]
PERSUADED THE PEOPLE; persuaded them that Paul and Barnabas were bad
men, and deceivers.... [ Continue Reading ]
CONFIRMING THE SOULS; instructing and establishing them in the faith
and practice of the gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]
ORDAINED THEM ELDERS; set apart persons to take the care, oversight,
and instruction of the churches. Churches need officers to take the
oversight of them, to instruct them, and labor for their spiritual
good; and it is proper that they should be set apart to this work,
that the influences of the Ho... [ Continue Reading ]
PAMPHYLIA; on their way back towards Antioch in Syria, from which they
went. Chap Acts 13:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
ATTALIA; a seaport in Pamphylia from which they could sail to Antioch.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORK WHICH THEY FULFILLED; the missionary work to which they had
been appointed, chap Acts 13:2-3.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CHURCH; the disciples at Antioch.
OPENED THE DOOR OF FAITH UNTO THE GENTILES; prepared the way to preach
to them the gospel, and led them to embrace it. Correct accounts of
the manner in which God has delivered his people from trials, and
crowned their labors with his blessing, are very useful.... [ Continue Reading ]