Acts 15:1
CERTAIN MEN; Jews who had become Christians. THE BRETHREN; the Christians at Antioch. THE MANNER OF MOSES; as taught by him.... [ Continue Reading ]
CERTAIN MEN; Jews who had become Christians. THE BRETHREN; the Christians at Antioch. THE MANNER OF MOSES; as taught by him.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PHARISEES; though converted to Christianity, they still retained their attachment to many rites and ceremonies of the Jewish dispensation. The errors of men are not all at once removed by their conversion: they need further instruction, observation, and experience, as well as the continued teach... [ Continue Reading ]
BY MY MOUTH SHOULD HEAR THE WORD OF THE GOSPEL; Peter was the first who preached the gospel to the Gentiles, and thus opened the way for their admission into the Christian church. Acts 10:34-48.... [ Continue Reading ]
BARE THEM WITNESS; testified to their acceptance.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY FAITH; by believing in Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
TEMPT YE GOD; by acting against the manifestations of his will. A YOKE; the burdensome rites and ceremonies of the Jewish religion.... [ Continue Reading ]
EVEN AS THEY; Jews as well as Gentiles must be saved, not by works, or the observance of rites and ceremonies, but through grace, by faith in Jesus Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
JAMES; see note to chap Acts 12:17.... [ Continue Reading ]
SIMEON; the Hebrew mode of spelling Simon, meaning Simon Peter. Verse Acts 15:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PROPHETS; they had foretold that the gospel should be preached to the Gentiles as well as Jews. Isaiah 2:2-4; Isaiah 49:6; AMOS 9:11-12. The better Christians understand and obey the Bible, the more clearly they will see that they should receive and love one another as brethren, even as Christ r... [ Continue Reading ]
I-WILL BUILD AGAIN THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID; here representing David's royal family, which, after the Babylonish captivity, fell into obscurity. It was rebuilt in the person of Christ, the son of David according to the flesh, and the true heir to David's throne. Luke 1:32-33. The apostle in this quot... [ Continue Reading ]
UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED; who are called Jehovah's people.... [ Continue Reading ]
KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD; as much as to say, The calling of the Gentiles into the church is in accordance with God's purpose from the beginning. Why then throw hinderances in their way?... [ Continue Reading ]
SENTENCE; opinion, or judgment. THAT WE TROUBLE NOT THEM; by imposing upon them Jewish ceremonies. In the primitive church, Peter had no preeminence above James and the other apostles. He alone did not send out a letter to the brethren in Antioch, nor did James, or any, or all the apostles do it. T... [ Continue Reading ]
POLLUTIONS OF IDOLS; from using meats offered in sacrifice to idols, or in any way conniving at idolatry. FORNICATION; a sin which was exceedingly common among the Gentiles, and against which they needed a special warning. THINGS STRANGLED; animals killed by strangling without the shedding of thei... [ Continue Reading ]
TROUBLED YOU WITH WORDS, SUBVERTING YOUR SOULS; compare the manner in which Paul speaks of these men in Galatians 2:4. They had subverted their souls by inculcating error, and turning them from the truth. THE LAW; the ritual law of Moses.... [ Continue Reading ]
SEEMED GOOD TO THE HOLY GHOST; the apostles, elders, and brethren, in their consultations on this subject, were under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and by him were led to a right result.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY REJOICED FOR THE CONSOLATION; which the letter contained. A right understanding of the will of God and a disposition to follow it, give great joy to his people. It is a powerful means of extending his kingdom, increasing the number of his subjects, and hastening the time when all shall know him... [ Continue Reading ]
PROPHETS; chap Acts 11:27.... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERY CITY; in which they had preached in their missionary tour. Chap Acts 13:1-52 ; ACTS 14:1-28.... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN-MARK; his mother was a sister of Barnabas. Colossians 4:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO DEPARTED; chap Acts 13:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
CYPRUS; the native place of Barnabas. Chap Acts 4:36. Contentions among ministers and Christians, while they often show their weakness and wickedness, and are exceedingly injurious to the cause of Christ, are sometimes manifestly overruled to the furtherance of the gospel, and the wider and more rap... [ Continue Reading ]
CONFIRMING THE CHURCHES; strengthening and establishing them in the faith and practice of the gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]