Acts 23:1
LIVED IN ALL GOOD CONSCIENCE; done what I thought to be right.... [ Continue Reading ]
LIVED IN ALL GOOD CONSCIENCE; done what I thought to be right.... [ Continue Reading ]
SMITE HIM ON THE MOUTH; by this he would indicate that Paul had uttered a falsehood.... [ Continue Reading ]
SMITE THEE; visit in judgment. WHITED WALL; hypocrite.... [ Continue Reading ]
WIST NOT; knew not. At this time the occupancy of the high-priesthood had become very irregular. If Ananias actually was then the high-priest, it is probable that Paul either did not know the fact, or at the moment did not advert to it. IT IS WRITTEN; EXODUS 22:28.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM A PHARISEE; Paul agreed with the Pharisees in believing that the soul lives after the death of the body, and that there will be a resurrection-points on which they differed from the Sadducees. RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD; he contended that Jesus Christ had actually risen. This showed that He was... [ Continue Reading ]
There is no bond of permanent union among persecutors of Christians. They may, for selfish purposes, unite for a time in opposing the truth; but they are easily divided; and God, through their divisions, may deliver his people from their power.... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER ANGEL, NOR SPIRIT; no such thing as created spirits existing, separate from bodies. CONFESS BOTH; receive both doctrines as true.... [ Continue Reading ]
A SPIRIT OR AN ANGEL; chap Acts 22:6-8; Acts 22:17-21.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LORD; the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ is able, at any time, and in any place, to manifest himself to his people, to fill them with joy, and make their enemies the occasion of accomplishing what is most earnestly to be desired.... [ Continue Reading ]
A CURSE; a solemn oath, imprecating divine vengeance on themselves should they eat or drink before they had killed Paul.... [ Continue Reading ]
LOOKING FOR A PROMISE FROM THEE; that he would bring Paul down. Bigoted and hypocritical professors of religion, who have adopted wrong principles, and been corrupted by wicked practices, are often among the most deceitful, hardened, and cruel of mankind, and the most malignant opposers of divine tr... [ Continue Reading ]
THIRD HOUR OF THE NIGHT; nine o'clock.... [ Continue Reading ]
FELIX; he had been a slave of Antonia, the mother of Claudius the Roman emperor, but was freed and became governor of Judea.... [ Continue Reading ]
AN ARMY; a band of soldiers. A ROMAN; a Roman citizen.... [ Continue Reading ]
The persecution of peaceable citizens on account of their religion, of their reading the Bible, and judging of its meaning, is such an outrage as to be condemned even by heathen. When practised, it has ever been, and ever will be, a foul disgrace not only to the Christian, but to the civilized world... [ Continue Reading ]
ANTIPATRIS; a town about forty miles from Jerusalem, on the way to Cesarea.... [ Continue Reading ]
HEROD'S JUDGMENT - HALL, literally, Herod's praetorium; this was the palace built by Herod the Great at Cesarea, and now occupied by the Roman governor Felix.... [ Continue Reading ]