Acts 28:1

MELITA; an island about sixty miles south of Sicily, now called Malta. It is a little north of west from the island of Clauda. See note to chap Acts 27:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:2

THE BARBAROUS PEOPLE; a term applied to the islanders as not speaking the Greek language. Compare Romans 1:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:4

VENGEANCE SUFFERETH NOT TO LIVE; that divine vengeance which even heathen persons believe to follow evil-doers. The sentiment that murderers deserve themselves to die, and that justice requires them to be put to death, is not only a dictate of revelation, but seems to be graven upon the hearts of al... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:11

WHOSE SIGN WAS CASTOR AND POLLUX; having on its prow painted or carved figures of Castor and Pollux, two heathen divinities, who were supposed to watch over sailors.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:13

FETCHED A COMPASS; sailed in a winding course; either because they followed the irregularities of the coast, or because they were compelled to beat against a head wind. RHEGIUM; a city near the south-west extremity of Italy, in the present kingdom of Naples. THE SOUTH WIND BLEW; which was a favora... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:15

THE BRETHREN; Christians at Rome. APPII - FORUM; a town about forty-three miles south of Rome. THE THREE TAVERNS; ten miles further towards Rome. WHOM; the brethren from Rome, a part of whom met Paul at Appii-forum, and a part at The Three Taverns. The presence of Christian friends, especially in... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:19

AGAINST IT; against Paul's being set at liberty. I WAS CONSTRAINED; induced by a suitable regard to his safety, knowing that the Jews intended to kill him. Chap Acts 23:16; Acts 25:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:20

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL; the Messiah. All proper efforts should be made to communicate to men correct information, and prevent their becoming so prejudiced as to hinder them from candidly hearing the truth and cordially embracing it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:22

THIS SECT; Christians. The fact that some persons are very unpopular, and that many speak against them, is no certain evidence that they are wrong. This opposition may arise from the fact, that the prevalence of their doctrines and practices would interfere with the selfishness, pride, indolence, co... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:23

EXPOUNDED AND TESTIFIED; explained to them the meaning of the predictions of the Messiah, in the Old Testament, and showed that they were filled in Jesus Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:24

The same divine truths, presented by the same speaker, are treated by different men in a totally different manner. Some receive and treat them as truths; others reject, and treat them as errors. It is not enough, therefore, that men hear these truths, and the evidences which support them; they must... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:30

TWO WHOLE YEARS; during that time he was kept as a prisoner, preaching the gospel to such as visited him, and writing it as he had opportunity to others.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 28:31

PREACHING THE KINGDOM OF GOD; making known the gospel, and urging men to embrace it. We are very incompetent judges as to the time, place, and condition in which we may be most useful. If Paul, during the two years of his confinement as a prisoner at Rome, not only preached the gospel to all who cam... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament