NINTH HOUR; three o'clock in the afternoon. The Jews had daily three
hours of prayer, the third, sixth, and ninth, or at nine, twelve, and
three o'clock. Daniel 6:10; PSALMS 55:17. Those who love God will love
stated seasons for prayer, and will be disposed, as they have
opportunity, daily to observ... [ Continue Reading ]
CALLED BEAUTIFUL; this was a very splendid gate on the east side of
the temple, near to Solomon's porch. John 10:23.... [ Continue Reading ]
SUCH AS I HAVE; the power, namely, to cure him of his lameness.
IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST; when the Saviour wrought miracles, the
power existed in himself. He performed them in his Father's name only
in the sense that the Father had sent him to do them. John 5:36; John
10:25. But when the power w... [ Continue Reading ]
Good men, when their efforts to be useful succeed, will not ascribe it
to their own wisdom, power, or goodness, but to the grace and power of
Christ, and they will give him the glory.... [ Continue Reading ]
GLORIFIED HIS SON; by showing in his resurrection and ascension that
he was the Messiah, and that his claim to be divine was just.... [ Continue Reading ]
DENIED THE HOLY ONE; PSALMS 16:10; ACTS 2:27; MATTHEW 27:16-26.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS NAME; his power.
Peter the instrument, and Christ the cause of the cure. Not only the
manner in which Christ wrought miracles, but the manner in which the
apostles wrought them and spoke of them, was adapted to lead men to
view C... [ Continue Reading ]
THROUGH IGNORANCE; they did not know when they crucified him, that he
was the Messiah. They ought to have known it; and had they rightly
improved their means of knowledge, they would have known it. But they
hated him, and rejected the light, because their deeds were evil. John
15:24-25; John 3:20; L... [ Continue Reading ]
CHRIST SHOULD SUFFER; PSALMS 16:10-11; Psalms 22:15-18; Psalms
69:1-21; ISAIAH 53:3-10; Daniel 9:26.... [ Continue Reading ]
BE CONVERTED; turn from all your sins to the love and service of God.
WHEN THE TIMES OF REFRESHING SHALL COME; the connection of these words
with the following verses shows that their primary reference must be
to that great season of refreshing when Christ shall come again from
heaven to judge his... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH BEFORE WAS PREACHED; proclaimed in the Old Testament scriptures,
and afterwards more plainly made known by himself and his disciples.
But another reading of the original is, "which was before ordained for
you"; namely, to come as your Messiah, suffer, and be glorified.
Compare chap Acts 2:23;... [ Continue Reading ]
TIMES OF RESTITUTION; when Christ shall appear in his glory, establish
his kingdom as foretold in the Scriptures, and reward every man
according to his works. Matthew 25:31-46.... [ Continue Reading ]
LIKE UNTO ME; Christ was like unto Moses in being appointed of God to
make known his will, and being a divinely commissioned leader of his
people.... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL NOT HEAR THAT PROPHET; will not obey the Messiah.... [ Continue Reading ]
SAMUEL; 2 SAMUEL 7:16; 2Sa 7:25; 2 Samuel 7:29.... [ Continue Reading ]
22:18; GALATIANS 3:16.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO YOU FIRST; the Jews. Isaiah 59:20; MATTHEW 10:5-6; LUKE 24:47;
JOHN 1:11.... [ Continue Reading ]