Of your reward; that which Christ bestows on those who cleave to him, and seek salvation through him.

In a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels; the apostle apparently speaks of that false humility which they had who pretended that God was too great to be approached except through created beings, such as angels. Thus their false teachers sought to draw them away from Christ, as if they needed ceremonies and mediators not prescribed in the gospel; whereas neither saints nor angels nor the Virgin Mary can help us as mediators; and Christ, if we trust in him, will do for us all that we need.

Vainly puffed up; whatever appearances of humility or piety any may have who teach that you need other mediators besides Christ, or other observances besides those which he has appointed, they are ignorant or selfish, worldly and wicked, deceivers or deceived. If honest in what they say, they are blind leaders of the blind. Matthew 15:14. Persons who occupy themselves in matters beyond the limits of the human mind, are wanting in humility as well as in wisdom and goodness. They are generally vain and light-minded, superficial and proud.

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Old Testament