THAT WHICH IS JUST; which rightfully, according to the law of God,
belongs to them.
EQUAL; that which fairness and honesty require.
YE ALSO HAVE A MASTER; to whom you justly owe service, and who
requires you to render to your servants all which equitably and
honestly belongs to them; and to manife... [ Continue Reading ]
CONTINUE; be earnest and steadfast.
WATCH IN THE SAME; be vigilant in the discharge of this duty; see that
ye be not dull or slothful in it, and that ye allow yourselves in
nothing that can hinder it.... [ Continue Reading ]
A DOOR OF UTTERANCE; open the way and give opportunity to preach the
gospel. Paul often asked for the prayers of Christians on earth, but
never of the Virgin Mary or any of the saints in heaven. He knew
better. All who have the Bible, who read and understand it, know
better; and if they obey the Bib... [ Continue Reading ]
WALK IN WISDOM; conduct with discretion and propriety.
THEM THAT ARE WITHOUT; without the church, men of the world.
REDEEMING THE TIME; see note to Ephesians 5:16. Christians, in all
their intercourse with men, especially with irreligious men, should be
open, frank, honest, and sincere; kind, amia... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH GRACE; such as grace dictates; speak what is seasonable,
pertinent, instructive, useful.
SEASONED WITH SALT; not insipid and profitless, but, like
well-seasoned food, wholesome and promotive of the edification of all
who hear.
KNOW HOW-TO ANSWER; in order to give just views and make right
impr... [ Continue Reading ]
MY STATE; as a prisoner at Rome.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHOM I HAVE SENT UNTO YOU; Tychicus was evidently the bearer of the
present epistle, as well as of that to the Ephesians. Ephesians 6:21.... [ Continue Reading ]
ONESIMUS; PHILEMON 1:16-17; PHILEMON 1:21.... [ Continue Reading ]
SON; to the sister of Barnabas. Mark, or Marcus, was the nephew of
Barnabas, and this might be one reason why Barnabas wished him to go
with them, when Paul thought it not best. Acts 15:37-39.
YE RECEIVED COMMANDMENTS; probably in connection with the contention
between Paul and Barnabas just referr... [ Continue Reading ]
JESUS; the same name as Joshua in Hebrew.
OF THE CIRCUMCISION; Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE OF YOU; he belonged at Colosse, but was then with Paul at Rome.
Chap Colossians 1:7. There is nothing which Christians so much desire
for others, especially for their friends, and nothing for which they
so earnestly pray, as that they may understand and do the will of God;
for he that doeth the... [ Continue Reading ]
LAODICEA-HIERAPOLIS; both cities of Phrygia, in the vicinity of
Colosse, the former on the west, the latter on the north-west.... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE; the author of the gospel which bears his name.
DEMAS; Philemon 1:24; 2 TIMOTHY 4:10-12.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE EPISTLE FROM LAODICEA; these words are most naturally understood
of an epistle which Paul had sent to the church of the Laodiceans,
which was to be obtained from Laodicea that it might be read at
Colosse. See note to 1 Corinthians 5:9.... [ Continue Reading ]
ARCHIPPUS; PHILEMON 1:2.... [ Continue Reading ]