IN HEAVENLY PLACES; the word "places" is supplied by the translators.
Some propose to render, in heavenly things, things pertaining to our
preparation for heaven. But everywhere else in this epistle the word
means heavenly places, Ephesians 1:20; Ephesians 2:6; Ephesians 3:10;
Ephesians 6:12, render... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT WE SHOULD BE HOLY; he has not chosen us on the ground that we, of
ourselves, make ourselves holy, but purposed that we should be made
holy by the power of his Spirit.
IN LOVE; referring, according to the punctuation of our version, to
those whom God has chosen to be holy and without blame, as... [ Continue Reading ]
TO HIMSELF; to be connected immediately with "the adoption of
children," and meaning children which he has adopted to himself-taken
by adoption into his own family.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED; namely, in Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
THROUGH HIS BLOOD; making atonement for our sins.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN ALL WISDOM AND PRUDENCE; in the bestowal upon us of all wisdom and
understanding in spiritual things, as he goes on to show in the next
verse. Others refer these words to God's wisdom and prudence as
exercised in bestowing upon us his grace.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MYSTERY; that which is explained in verse Ephesians 1:10. Men have
no correct views of salvation through faith in Christ, except as God
reveals it to them; and no disposition to believe on him except as God
gives it.... [ Continue Reading ]
appointed by him, to be introduced when the full time should come.
GATHER TOGETHER IN ONE; unite into one holy kingdom.
ALL THINGS; in the widest sense, by subjecting every thing in heaven
and earth to the dominion of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE; Jewish believers.
AN INHERITANCE; heirship with Christ to the blessedness of heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE-WHO FIRST TRUSTED; the gospel was first preached to the Jews, and
from them were its first fruits gathered.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE, ALSO; ye Gentiles also.
SEALED; as belonging to Christ by receiving the gift of the Holy
Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
EARNEST; pledge or first-fruit of heavenly felicity.
ransomed people. The reception of the Holy Spirit, and the blessedness
which he bestows on those who follow his guidance, are sure pledges
and earnests that, in due time, he will g... [ Continue Reading ]
THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING; the hope which he has called you to enjoy.
OF HIS INHERITANCE; the inheritance which he gives.
IN THE SAINTS; or, among the saints. These words are added to define
the persons upon whom this glorious inheritance is bestowed.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO US - WARD WHO BELIEVE; manifested towards us who believe, not
merely in this life, but also in that to come. The exercise of this
power extends over the whole work of the believer's redemption, from
his calling and the quickening of his soul in regeneration to his
final glorification in heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH HE WROUGHT IN CHRIST; as our head. God manifests in the
redemption of Christ's members the same divine power which he
exercised in Christ their head. The greatness of power and grace of
God manifested when he leads men to believe on Christ, and raises them
from spiritual death to spiritual lif... [ Continue Reading ]
every order of intelligent beings in heaven and on earth; every
creature that bears a name.... [ Continue Reading ]
HEAD OVER ALL THINGS; all things in the creation.
TO THE CHURCH; for its good.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH IS HIS BODY; compare John 15:1-7.
THE FULNESS; Christ's body the church is called his fulness, as being
throughout filled with his gifts and graces.
THAT FILLETH ALL IN ALL; or who filleth all things with all things.
For Christ is the creator of all things, and he fills them with
whatever po... [ Continue Reading ]