Till we all come; come fully.

In the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God; better, as the margin, "into the unity," etc.; meaning that unity which full establishment in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God gives. For the greater the measure of our faith and knowledge, the greater our unity in that faith and knowledge, and thus our unity with God and each other.

Unto a perfect man; a full-grown, mature man, in contrast with babes in Christ. Verse Ephesians 4:14.

The fulness of Christ; the fulness that belongs to Christ; that is, Christ considered in his body the church. The kind and the measure of the different gifts which God bestows upon different Christians are according to his wise eternal purpose, and designed to promote the holiness and happiness of his kingdom. All these gifts therefore should be so employed as is best adapted to accomplish this end.

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Old Testament