OBEY YOUR PARENTS; it is to be understood here, as in chap Ephesians
5:24, that the obedience enjoined extends to all things not contrary
to Christ's commands; for the addition, IN THE LORD, that is, obey as
those who are in the Lord, and make his will the law of their being,
excludes obedience to t... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH PROMISE; with a promise annexed, namely, that of long life and
great blessings. Exodus 20:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
The gospel inculcates perfect fidelity in the discharge of all the
relative duties of life; and children who are kind, respectful, and
obedient to parents, take the way to become blessings to themselves,
their parents, the church of God, and the world.... [ Continue Reading ]
PROVOKE NOT YOUR CHILDREN; give them no just occasion to be angry or
to feel as if they were injured. As the highest good of children in
this life and the life to come requires them, in all things right, to
obey their parents, it is the duty of parents to take the course which
is best suited to secu... [ Continue Reading ]
MASTERS ACCORDING TO THE FLESH; persons to whom you justly owe
service, or who by human laws have power to force you to serve them.
Obey their commands whenever you can do it without disobeying the
commands of your Master in heaven.
WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING; reverentially, and with that fear of God... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT WITH EYE - SERVICE; not outwardly merely, while men are looking
on, or for the purpose of pleasing them-not a constrained external
service, but from the heart, out of regard to God.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH GOOD WILL; kind and cheerful readiness.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SAME SHALL HE RECEIVE; the servant shall be rewarded by God for
obeying him, as certainly and abundantly as if he were not a servant.
Servants are bound to be servants of Christ, and from love to him to
obey, in things not wicked, their earthly masters; and to do it for
the purpose of pleasing h... [ Continue Reading ]
DO THE SAME THINGS; be governed by the same supreme regard to God
which is inculcated on servants, and manifest the same kind,
benevolent, and cheerful readiness to please God in your conduct
towards them, which they are required to manifest in their conduct
towards you.
FORBEARING THREATENING; avo... [ Continue Reading ]
BE STRONG IN THE LORD; as those who are united by faith to the Lord
Jesus, and depend on him for strength and all needed aid to perform
every duty, bear every trial, and conquer every foe.
IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT; in the power possessed by you, which his
might furnishes. Although all our strength... [ Continue Reading ]
ARMOR OF GOD; that which he has provided in and through Jesus Christ,
and furnishes by his word, Spirit, and providence.
WILES; devices, stratagems to deceive and destroy.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD; weak men like ourselves. Our
great contest is not with men, but with various orders of evil
spirits, styled principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness.
THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD; those evil spirits who rule
this world in and through the spi... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD; literally the panoply of God; namely, the
complete armor which he has provided for you in the gospel of his Son.
THE EVIL DAY; when tempted to sin, assailed by enemies, and beset with
HAVING DONE ALL; having gone through with the whole conflict.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVING YOUR LOINS GIRT ABOUT WITH TRUTH; having for the girdle of your
loins truth in word and deed. The allusion is to the military girdle,
which was worn about the loins for strength, and not for mere
THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; the "righteousness and holiness of
truth," chap Ephe... [ Continue Reading ]
YOUR FEET SHOD; the reference is to the military shoes of warriors.
THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; the inward preparation of mind
which the gospel of peace gives. For by shedding abroad in the soul
"the peace of God which passeth all understanding," the gospel
furnishes it with courage, ze... [ Continue Reading ]
FIERY DARTS; in allusion to the darts fitted with burning substances
that were used by the ancients.
THE WICKED; the wicked one, the devil. He means the fiery temptations
inward and outward by which Satan seeks to destroy us, and which can
be quenched only by faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE HELMET OF SALVATION; in 1 Thessalonians 5:8, he says, "for a
helmet, the hope of salvation." THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT; the sword
which the Spirit furnishes. The apostle would have us stand firm in
the faith and practice of the gospel, and ever ready to propagate and
promote it; relying with impli... [ Continue Reading ]
None will stand firm under the banner of Christ, and fight
perseveringly and successfully with Satan and his allies, but those
who rely on Christ for strength, and clothe themselves with the armor
which he has provided. But taking the Bible for their guide, and
habitually seeking the presence of the... [ Continue Reading ]
TYCHICUS; by whom Paul sent this epistle from Rome to Ephesus.... [ Continue Reading ]
COMFORT YOUR HEARTS; by hearing of the goodness of God to Paul, the
success of the gospel, and the readiness of God to aid and bless all
who put their trust in him.... [ Continue Reading ]