Galatians 3:1
BEWITCHED; fascinated, deluded. SET FORTH, CRUCIFIED AMONG YOU; or, set forth among you as crucified. Men who hope to be saved in any other way than through faith in Christ, are grossly deceived. Acts 4:10-12.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEWITCHED; fascinated, deluded. SET FORTH, CRUCIFIED AMONG YOU; or, set forth among you as crucified. Men who hope to be saved in any other way than through faith in Christ, are grossly deceived. Acts 4:10-12.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS ONLY WOULD I LEARN OF YOU; as much as to say, The answer to this question will abundantly convict you of your folly. THE SPIRIT; the Holy Spirit, in his sanctifying and miraculous influences. BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW; through the efficacy of your observance of the Jewish law, to which you are... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE SPIRIT; the Holy Spirit, as the minister of a spiritual dispensation. BY THE FLESH; by the observance of the outward ceremonial law.... [ Continue Reading ]
SUFFERED SO MANY THINGS; on account of their professed attachment to Christ. IF IT BE YET IN VAIN; as it would be, if they should forsake the gospel for the Jewish ceremonial law.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THEREFORE THAT MINISTERETH TO YOU THE SPIRIT; God, who bestows upon you the Holy Spirit. BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW, OR BY THE HEARING OF FAITH? supply the answer, He does it by the hearing of faith, not by the works of the law. The effects of the gospel are conclusive evidence that is from God.... [ Continue Reading ]
CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM; like him in spirit, and justified in the same way, not by works, but by faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
FORESEEING; the Holy Ghost foreseeing, and in the Scriptures foretelling, that God would justify Gentiles as he did Abraham. IN THEE; as the spiritual father of all that believe. Genesis 12:3; Genesis 18:18; Genesis 22:18. Thus the glad tidings were announced to Abraham that God would bless and sav... [ Continue Reading ]
BLESSED WITH FAITHFUL ABRAHAM; accepted of God in the same way.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THE WORKS OF THE LAW; are seeking justification by it. UNDER THE CURSE; because they have not perfectly obeyed the law.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH; does not promise justification by faith, but by works. BUT; that is, but its language is. SHALL LIVE IN THEM; by doing them. The law knows nothing of grace, but demands absolute obedience as its only condition of justification. Justification by faith and not by works... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LAW IS NOT OF FAITH; does not promise justification by faith, but by works. BUT; that is, but its language is. SHALL LIVE IN THEM; by doing them. The law knows nothing of grace, but demands absolute obedience as its only condition of justification.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CURSE OF THE LAW; the punishment which it threatens against transgressors. MADE A CURSE; treated as accursed, in suffering for our sake the accursed death of the cross. Deuteronomy 21:23; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21, "made him to be sin for us.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM; that which God promised to him and to all believers, justification through faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER THE MANNER OF MEN; as they view and treat a covenant that has been ratified.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS SEED; Christ, as the head of his church; and through him, all believers, who constitute his body. HE SAITH NOT, AND TO SEEDS, AS OF MANY; he does not make the promise to Abraham's seeds, as if he were speaking of the many individual children of Abraham; in other words, were making the promise t... [ Continue Reading ]
THE COVENANT; with Abraham and his seed. IN CHRIST; as the promised seed. THE LAW; given to Moses. The covenant of God with Abraham was made and confirmed in Christ; and the laws which were afterwards given, were not designed to alter it or change its conditions, but to lead men to comply with the... [ Continue Reading ]
THE INHERITANCE; of the spiritual blessings promised to Abraham and his seed. BY PROMISE; that the blessing should come, through Christ, to all who believe on him. As this promise was made and ratified long before the law was given, its blessings could not come from obedience to law.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE THEN SERVETH THE LAW? why was it added? BECAUSE OF TRANSGRESSIONS; the Jews were so prone to forsake God, worship idols, and commit all sorts of abominations, that the law was added to restrain them-to preserve among them the knowledge and worship of Jehovah, show them the desert of sin, t... [ Continue Reading ]
OF ONE; one party. IS ONE; one party, the other party being man.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS THE LAW THEN AGAINST THE PROMISES? was it designed to open another way of life, or in any degree to conflict with the promises? Certainly not, but to aid in their accomplishment.... [ Continue Reading ]
HATH CONCLUDED; declared all to be shut up under sin and condemnation, so that there is no way of escape except by faith in Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE FAITH CAME; before Christ, the object of faith, came; or before the way of life through him was clearly revealed.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LAW WAS OUR SCHOOLMASTER; showing us our lost and guilty condition, and thus constraining us to come to Christ for salvation. In the ceremonial law, and in the whole Mosaic economy, God had a gracious design; and by it he produced, on all who rightly observed it, gracious effects: not by leading... [ Continue Reading ]
NO LONGER UNDER A SCHOOLMASTER; having believed on Christ, he had adopted them as his children and given them in the gospel all needed instruction, so that they had no further need of the ritual observances of the law.... [ Continue Reading ]
BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST; become united to him by faith, and according to his will openly professed to be his disciples. HAVE PUT ON CHRIST; taken him as their leader, and professed to come under the controlling influence of his Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE IN CHRIST JESUS; possessed of one character; accepted in one way; belonging to one family; under one head, Christ; and equally entitled to all the blessings of salvation through him.... [ Continue Reading ]
CHRIST'S; united to Christ by believing on him. ABRAHAM'S SEED; for the one seed of Abraham to whom the promise was made is Christ, verse Galatians 3:16. All, then, that are united to Christ by faith are, in and through him, Abraham's seed, and heirs of the promises made to Abraham. The rich spirit... [ Continue Reading ]